chapter 52!

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Brayden's POV

I arrive in Connecticut and head to Corbyn's dorm. As I'm walking through the halls I see signs about a reward for finding Corbyn Besson. That's weird, it must be a joke or something. I decided to talk to him, maybe he knows where Ray is and it could help me with the mission.

I knock on the door and wait patiently. Soon enough, the door opens. It isn't Corbyn though, it's Ryder.

"Hey Brayden! I don't believe we've actually met before, I know I've heard so much about you, though." He says happily.

"Hey Ryder! Sorry if I bothered you, I just wanted to see Corbyn." I said smiling.

His happy face dropped. "C-Corbyn?" He asked as he placed his arm on the door.

"Yeah, Corbyn. My boyfriend." I stated.

"B- I- No one's seen him for a week."

"What?" Without even saying bye I ran.

"Brayden! BRAYDEN!" I heard Ryder call.

Calumn's POV

I arrive at the coordinates Corbyn sent me. It doesn't look like a place someone would be, but it involves Corbyn. He's full of surprises. I get out the vehicle, whincing at the pain in my side. I let out a sigh and began to walk to the entrance. As I stand close the door, I can hear yelling from inside, following by a scream. My eyes widen. That scream came from Corbyn. I quickly open the door and squeeze through. It didn't open very wide.

I limp through the rooms, searching for Corbyn. As I was just about to have a full blown meltdown from frustration, I see a door with light on the other side. I rush to the door and put my ear up to it.

"Now, you have to options son. You either kill her yourself, or you tell me where she is and I kill her for you."

"I don't have to, and I won't," he said with short breaths.

Ray let out a deep chuckle and then spoke. "Son, you think this is a game? You think you can just be that stuck up little kid you've always been? Imma ask you one more time, and this time, there will be consequences. Kill her, or tell me where she is."

"I don't care what you do to me, if it keeps Brayden alive I don't give a shit," he yelled, this surprised me because I've never heard Corbyn curse.

Ray let out a sigh. " I tried kid. I really did. But your just a stubborn little boy."

I stand there confused. Who? A scream interrupts me from thinking. I close my eyes as I realize it's Corbyn. He keeps screaming. I place my back against the door and lean down, crying. I I have to save him, but I can't. I'm to weak.

Scream, after scream, after scream, they just get worse. The tears just keep coming. Then, silence. There was nothing. No screams, no voices, nothing. I stand up and groan from the pain. I open the door and see the unseen. Corbyn.

Corbyn is on the floor bleeding out. I run to him and cup his face in my hands.

"Corbyn? C-Corbyn, no, please." I cry.
I bring him closer to me and cry into his neck. I weakly grab his hand into mine. "No..." I whisper.

I feel his grip tighten on my hand. I look up to his face.

"Corbyn?" I whisper, my voice cracking.

"Cal?" He asked weak.

"Corbyn, yes, I'm here." I say.

"'" He says, not able to clearly speak.

"I know. But that's not important." I say placing my hand on his chest.

He smiles weakly. I feel his hand roam up my arm and to my cheek. I shiver at his touch. He pulls me closer and kisses my forehead. I flinch out of surprise.

"We have to get you out of here," I say looking around to make sure Ray is gone.

"I," Corbyn attempts to speak but can barley get it out.

"You what?" I ask, helping him sit up.

"I am loosing a lot of blood," he says finally, looking around.

"I know, let's go," I said helping him up slowly. We both struggled to get up, wincing at the pain.

"I, I don't want you to do all this. You are too... weak," Corbyn said with a wince as he gripped his shoulder.

"I have more strength than you right now. Let go of your pride and let me help you. Please," I say. He nods his head as I guide him out of the building.

By now, my parents are freaking out as they've came back to an empty hospital room. They have probably already sent a police team to search for me.

I help Corbyn into the car, he's getting blood everywhere but I don't care, his life is more important than my moms car. I'll just have to raise money to clean it for a while. If I get the chance.

I drive to my house, hopefully my parents aren't there. My vision is blurry from the tears, I try to hold them back so I can see.

Once we arrive at my house, Corbyn has passed out. I try to pick him up, my legs tremble from and his weight and fall down onto the sidewalk, scraping my legs. I need to get him inside before anyone sees me, before anyone sees us.


"What's going on?" I hear a yell from the room I put Corbyn in. He's awake. I walk as quickly as I can towards him with a cold glass of water.

"Ray. He hurt you bad. You're at my house now, you're safe," I said with a sad smile. He nodded his head as I handed him the water. His hands shook as he took a sip.

"Are you getting better?" He asked, referring to my cancer.

"No," I said.

"Oh. Well you should go back, to the hospital. I'm fine now, see," he said trying to stand up. As soon as he left the bed he let out a groan.

"You're not fine. Lay down and let me get some more bandages, those are wearing out," I said to him. He winced and I left to get the bandages.

"Ow. Ow. That hurts," he said as I put on the clean bandages.

"You're complaining too much, I'm almost done," I said with a laugh.

"This is not funny. I'm in pain," he said with a smile.

"Ok done," I said patting him and he winced.

"Thank you for this Calumn," he said.

"No problem," I said and sat on the other side of the bed next to him. He scooted over, farther away from me.

"Oh. I can leave if you want," I said.

"No, I'm sorry please stay," he said.

"Ok," I smiled. I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv and the first thing that came on was the news channel.

Leukemia patient runs away. That was the heading. Corbyn looked at me with wide eyes.

"Let's change the channel," I say with a smile.

"Yeah," he says out in a low voice.

I change the channel and you won't believe what comes on next.

Corbyn Besson has been missing from his dorm for over a week now. If anyone sees him please contact the police immediately.

We look at each other again and he lets out a nervous laugh.

"How about let's not watch tv," Corbyn says. I agree with him and turn it off.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked.

"I don't know. I'm getting sort of, tired," he says and closes his eyes.

"Goodnight Corbyn," I say with a smile.

"Good night Cal," he says softly. After that, I fall asleep.


A big thanks to seaveyadayaline for helping me with this chapter!!! Love you ❤️

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