chapter 32!

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Corbyn's POV

I paced back and forth anxiously.

"Don't tell me you're reconsidering?!" Jonah asked, watching me pace nervously.

"What have I done?" I said.

"You got yourself a girlfriend," Jonah said.

"I know but I wasn't even thinking. It was the rain. I'm telling you it was the rain, it made the moment seem like a movie so I thought why not ask her out? That was the most stupidest idea I've ever had. She could get hurt, my dad could take her like she took my mom. We could break up because she realizes how crazy my family is. She could-" I rambled as Jonah cut me off.

"None of that is going to happen," Jonah said, reassuring me.

"And if it does?" I asked.

"You and Brayden will make it through, look at everything you two have been through, it can't get much worse," Jonah said with hand gestures.

"You're right. I'm just having really bad memories from past relationships," I said.

"This isn't like past relationships, you guys are practically adults now, almost going to college," Jonah said.

"Ok I'll stop freaking out," I said.

"Thank you," He said with a sigh.

Suddenly a big smile arose from my lips.

"What? Why are you smiling?" Jonah asked.

"I'm dating Brayden, Brayden is my girlfriend, I'm Brayden's boyfriend!" I exclaimed, shaking Jonah's shoulders.

"Yes. That's what happens when you ask someone to be your girlfriend," Jonah said annoyed.

"I know but it just now hit me," I said, feeling proud.

Jonah rolled his eyes and continued reading a book that was evidently, more important than I was.

I then found myself clicking on Braydens contact and calling her.

"Hey babe," I said into the phone.

"Hey Corbyn," she said laughing.

"How is my beautiful girlfriend doing this morning?" I asked her.

"Who's that?" she asked jokingly.

"Wow, that was really funny. In fact, that was hysterical, I'm laughing so hard I can barley breathe. You should be a comedian," I said plainly.

"Ok sorry, your girlfriend is doing amazing," she said brightly.

"Good I'm glad," I said smiling.

"Let's drop the act, I'm coming over idiot," she said suddenly.

"What act?" I asked.

"The lovey dovey act, I hate it," she said.

"Oh, my bad, I'll stop," I said, frowning.

"No it's cute, I just won't reciprocate it," she said, I heard things falling in the background and the sound of her walking quickly.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm coming to your house. Or Jonah's house," she said.

"Oh ok. See you soon," I said and hung up.

Jonah started laughing and I threw a pillow on his face to shut him up.

"She totally just dissed you," Jonah said laughing.

"That never happened," I said annoyed.

"Oh it happened," Jonah said with a smirk.

"Shut up. There's so many things I could make fun of you for right now. Like that time-" I almost blurted out Jonah's biggest secret until he cut me off.

"Ok. Ok. I'm sorry," he said with his hands up.

I smiled and got up to change into something a little nicer.


"So we need to get you out of this organization!" That was the first thing Brayden said as she opened the door.

"Huh?" I asked turning around.

"You told me once that you needed to get out of the organization. Well, I'm going to help you," she said with a smile, grabbing a cup.

She took out a coffee blend and poured some warm water into the coffee machine.

"What are you doing?" Jonah asked sitting up taller from reading his book.

"I'm making coffee," she said, pressing a few buttons.

"If you're using my Lavazza Super Crema Espresso Coffee Beans, you're dead," he said, throwing his book down and standing up.

"Relax, I'm using the vanilla blend by Starbucks," Brayden said.

"That kind of coffee is for amateurs," Jonah said with a scoff.

"Then why do you have it?" I asked Jonah.

"It was a gift," he said.

"But it's opened," Brayden said.

"I may have drank it a few times," Jonah said with a shrug.

"Ha!" Brayden said.

"It's coffee, I can't help it," he said.

"Jonah drinks amateur coffee," Brayden chanted.

"No I don't!" He yelled.

I laughed and watched them argue over if Jonah drinks amateur coffee or not.


Hey guys!! Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you like it! It's very lighthearted, hopefully there will be interesting chapters in the future. Love you all so much :))

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