Chapter 14-Full Of Gossipers

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Chapter 14
Full Of Gossipers

Lucien POV


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Alexei held my hand all through it, as his initials were carved in my skin, near my right wrist. He had looked...proud? Alright with it, with me becoming officially his in this world? Maybe my imaginations were running too fast again.

I get lost again in my own thoughts until Dawn comes. She plops down on the couch between Rian and me so that it almost startles me up to my feet.

"What's up, guys? Any plans for tonight?" she asks cheerfully and continues when she gets no straight answer. "Good, because I have. We're all going to a party!"

"What party?" Joy asks next to me, getting excited like the rest of us except me.

"I don't remember the name of who has it but everybody talks about it here and I think we should go" Dawn says. "And I need something fun right now. Who is in?"

Everybody announces themselves in but when it's my turn I'm hesitant.

"What do you mean, you don't know?" Dawn asks astonished. They should know me already, that I'm not a party person like them.

"You have to come, because we need you to make it a proper party with all of us...and you don't want to impede Alexei's coming for sure" Joy says, thinking she's clever.

"I c-can stay s-safely in my room w-while you're out if that is r-required" I smile a little, showing it would be totally fine. Well, I tried. Alexei is about to say something, but he doesn't get the chance.

"Nope, sorry, but I'm not having it" Dawn says and stands up, holding my hand in hers so that I have to stand up too. "Come on, Lucy. I'm going to help you make Modeldas and your boyfriend proud of having you."


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Walking in, I'm surrounded by Dawn on my right and Alexei on my left. Inside, I'm so glad he's with me. And the others as well, but it's comforting to know he would be there with me all the time. Though, I'm sure he must be annoyed to have somebody with him all the time like this, especially somebody like me, but until now he hasn't complained or at least shown it.

Instead, he has been rather nice about this and towards me. I'm still nervous around him and other boys, but them being and spending time with me and my girl friends and us all being a gang helped it a lot. They are nice. I can only imagine all their reactions if the real me would pop up from its shell, if it ever will in this environment.

Inside I'm faced with a complete chaos. They call this a party, having fun? Drinking yourself drunk, loud music and dancing or whatever, doing stupid games, most girls having way too little clothes...? And couples...showing affection in public just like that? If they even are all couples. I have heard too much.

This is a 'celebrity' party, everybody famous or well-known celebrities. High class people. What am I doing here? I got in here with my model friends, being a-soon-to-be-model myself.

We are welcomed immediately and with my gang I find myself soon at the side-table where the drinks and food are. I may have been stupid enough to have allowed them drag me here, but there is no way I'm going to drink anything stronger than carbonated water or juice.

There is a smaller bowl of lemonade, so I get myself a drink. The others take from the other bowl. Dawn makes me taste it and even the small drop is enough, too much. My face seems to look very funny according to my friends.


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"You're a shy one, huh?" he continues, with a smirk. "I've been watching you for a while, you know."

So I was right. I haven't been just silly. He begins to walk towards me and my automatic reaction is to back away. Wrong move. I'm already almost against the wall and as I start to move backwards, he grabs my arm and pushes me against the wall.

He's too close, he smells awful and I'm now really close to have a panic attack. I can't...I can't let these emotions get the worst of me...

"Don't think you can just run away when I've just found you" he says, putting his other hand on my waist. I try to push him off with the slight reaction ability I have left but he just holds me more painfully. "For a moment I thought you were a girl, but I guess you look enough and work as well. You're new here, and I like you. I thought I wouldn't get a chance to tell you this, because you had all those people with you all the time."

My ability to speak, to shout for help, has disappeared somewhere. The situation is so sudden and absurd...again. But when this rude, outrageous and poor boy leans towards me, to kiss me, I scream.

Suddenly, Alexei comes somewhere from behind the corner and pushes him harshly off from me.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Alexei yells, looking ever so pissed. Almost scary, but that is the point.

"Well, if it isn't the high and mighty Alexei Portwin. Come on, dude, you know what I'm doing" the boy says lifting his hands as in everything is okay.

But I'm shaking almost visibly, standing right behind Alexei who is now between me and him, protecting me.

"Don't you dare touch, even look at him" Alexei says sternly, glaring at...him. I don't yet know his name, and I don't really care to either.

"Why not? He's not yours, or even if he is, can't I just have this one?" he says, beginning to slur because he's enough drunk.

"He is mine, so you have to look somewhere else, although I suggest not tonight."

"Huh? One of your many lays, is he? Well, congratulations, this one surely is a prize."

He has barely finished talking when Alexei already loses it and punches him well in the face. Inside I feel like crying but I'm numb and motionless. I'm definitely not to violence or anything towards it, but that guy needed and deserved that punch. He had to be stopped somehow.

The boy grunts standing back up on his wobbly feet and Alexei grabs his shirt and pushes him against the wall. They know, obviously, each other from before.

"He is my one and only boyfriend, and nobody talks about him like that" Alexei growls.

My eyes widen. The boy looks at him and me and again him and then starts to laugh, although it clearly hurts him.


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