Chapter 18

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Current date of story: 1st of December 2014, a Sunday
Min-Ji P.O.V

My heart was thumping in my chest, my throat feels if though someone's hands were squeezing tightly. This was the one way I could get out. In any other situation I just wouldn't have showed up for a week or two but...with my injury they'd expect me to be at home, to be resting. I'd need to find someone, a group. Someone that was popular enough to make a fuss...BTS. As far as I knew, my breakup with Jungkook hadn't been made public yet, if I were to make a public appearance with someone else...perhaps that would be enough to suggest that I was cheating. Again it would have to be someone well known in Big Hit. It can't be anyone from BTS, they're comeback came out yesterday, I realise. My thoughts end up in a jumble, I keep coming back to one name. Taehyung. That's the only one popular enough, and the only one I actually know. I sigh. What would Joshua make of this? I need to tell him, there's no way of avoiding it, eventually he'd find out what I'd done, what I'm going to do. I turn back to my phone and scroll through my contacts until I reach Taehyungs name. I bang my up against my bed, wondering what I should be doing. I could leave, go back to Big Hit, or do this, start some kind of scandal big enough to cause some kind of damage to Big Hit's image. Obviously I'd prefer to just do nothing, absolutely nothing. I stretch out on the bed and lightly close my eyes. The most I can do is talk to Taehyung, then I can decide what to do. We're not exactly friends, but we're not strangers either, I probably know him the best out of the seven, besides Jungkook anyway. "Just do it!" I scream. I chuckle at my unintended pun. I pressed down on my screen, my phone started ringing. "No going back now..." A crackling noise sounds as my phone connects to the other line.

"Min-Ji? I haven't heard from you in ages, I actually wanted to talk to you about something, I'm nearly at your dorm."

I blinked twice, thrice. "Uh , I moved."

"Where to? I'll  be right over."

I smiled unintentionally, "but wasn't your comeback released yesterday?"

"Yeah that's true but I got away. Text me the address and I'll be that soon."

I waited patiently on the couch, wearing  the clothes I had on yesterday and munching on a stunningly shiny green apple. Five minutes later the doorbell sounded. With a mouthful of apple, my second by the way, I frantically grabbed for my crutches and as fast as I could, made my way to the door. I had to leans my back flat against the wall to get the door open. In front of me I saw Taehyung wearing a hoodie, light coloured chinos and his trademark beanie. His eyes scanned me up and down. "What happened? Jungkook said you were hurt but I didn't know it was this bad..." he pushes the door open the rest of the way and saunters on into the living room. He takes a moment to look around the room before turning back to face me. "I'm sorry about Jungkook. He loved you so much, you could see it in his eyes whenever your name was mentioned. I can't believe that he would just...drop you like that. Why'd you move anyway?"

"Jungkook didn't tell you?"


"I auditioned for Pledis Entertainment, I've joined a group now."

"Woah really? That awesome I'm so happy for you!"

I mumbled, "Jungkook didn't seem to impressed..."

"Forget about him. So, who are the other members?"

"Um...there's 13 of them, and they're all boys."

"What the hell Min-Ji!"

"I thought you wouldn't be happy, " not really I thought.

"They're all boys, of course I'm not happy. Hey didn't you sign some sort of contact with Big Hit though?"

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