Chapter 36

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Current date of Story, Nonexistent

Eun's P.O.V

The wind whips through my hair, obscuring my vision. It's dark colour appears as the darkest of shadows. The unrelenting wind bites at my skin, causing my body to respond in a series of shivers. Despite the winter season that plagues the town, the sun beats down on the houses and streets, though it doesn't offer the warmth we citizens desire. It merely provides us with a dim and eerie glow to help us find our way on this cold winter's day. I don't know where I am, or why I'm here. The people around me are too normal to be real, no one is rushing around, no one is shouting into their phone or sending a hurried text message. Instead, every single one of them was walking casually, dressed in warm winter coats and holding their hands together. The sound of what I recognise to be a saxophone, draws my attention to a blonde girl standing on a wooden box. I squint my eyes, then they widen in alert. The girls face closely resembles my own, no, it is mine. Though her hair is coloured differently to mine, her...everything was identical to my own. I whipped my head around to look at a man sitting on a bench. Just like me, just like Joshua. Everyone the same. Different hair, some different body shapes, but all with the same face. My mind started ticking. I'm dreaming, aren't I? I have to be. I walk over to a tree. It's bark is covered in tin icy particles, its gram visible through a hollowed slit meant to be a seat. It's branches are bare and stripped of whatever colour or greenery it once fashioned. The branches twist and curl their way high into the sky above, my eyes follow each branch to their destinations, pure, empty, and desolate space. I sigh and sink into the carved wooden seat. The wind that once blew my hair into tangled knots ceased. I lean my head against the wood, savouring that little extra warmth that the absence of wind provided. I closed my eyes for a moment, willing my dreamscape to change, morph, or something. My eyes snap open when I here shouting. Joshua's voice. "How could you do that? Why him?" I realised that he was looking at me, square in the eyes. I realised he meant Jungkook, or Taehyung. I didn't know. My voice sounds, without my command, as if I can see and hear, but now have no control over my body, "You have to understand-"

"No, I don't, we're done," then the voice changed, to whose I feared to be, Taehyung.

"Why, why did you put me through that. You used me, and for what, that boy?"

And then it changed once more. "I told you that it was over. Then I find out that you kissed someone else. Before I called it off. I don't understand why you would do such a thing. You're dead to me."

Then it changed to a voice I had only learnt what I guessed to be a mere six hours ago. Lee Yi. "You hurt my brother. I'll never forgive you." I felt the tears well in my eyes, but they never came rolling down my cheek. In this instance, my body wasn't my own. I was crying, but I wasn't. Three more bodies approached, each taking on a different voice. They were all throwing insults my way, clearly not holding back. I try to move my hands to my ears, but nothing happens. I remain still, my ears wide open, taking in insult after insult. I want nothing more than the ability to cry, to just let my emotions flow onto my face and clothes. There's nothing I can do to stop it. I can only sit here, and take in every word that is being said to me. Every mistake I've made in the last couple weeks are now eating me up inside, stripping me to what is emotionally my worst state. An awful, figuratively shaking mess. I had known what I had done, all along. But had never thought twice about it. This was the world's way of punishing me, slapping me right across the face with my biggest lies, worst fears and what hits me the hardest, the things I had done that had and could hurt the people I love most. This form that I was in, was torturing me. I wasn't sure how much more I could take of it, this unorthodox...process. I didn't know what to call it. I guess it was my brains way of telling me to atone to what I had done. Realise, and apologise. A simple teaching in my foster home. A simple truth, a simple reality. I saw the pain in those people's faces, it was all because of me. All me. All my doing. All my fault.


Joshua's P.O.V

Joshua slid open the door leading to Eun's room. He set down some spare clothes and necessities on the space of floor beside the door. He knitted his brows when he heard the silent sobbing of his girlfriend. He wandered over to the bed and squinted in the dark. He let out a gasp when he saw her face. It was stained in various streams of tears. Her body was curled into a ball and shaking violently. Beside her head, the bed sheet was completely soaked in her salty tears. He placed a hand on her shoulder and shook it a little, calling her name. She wasn't responding. No matter how hard he tried, she wouldn't wake up. He sighed. He placed a kiss onto her forehead, and to his surprise, her skin was burning. She screamed and her shaking increased. She grabbed onto his arm and squeezed it tight, too tight. He started to worry, more than he had been seconds ago. He strokes her head softly, making soothing sounds in attempt to calm her down. It didn't work, not that he thought it would. He cursed under his breath and pulled his arm free from her grasp. He grabbed her arm and pinched her skin, hard enough to cause her to stir, and eventually, open her eyes. She shoots up into a sitting position and fights to rip herself from his hold. "Shh, it's okay Eun. It's me."

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