Chapter 47

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Current Date of story, 23rd of December 2014, a Thursday

Eun pats the tips of fingers onto Mingyu's hair, gently working in a small amount of product to hold his flowy locks in place. Mingyu watched her carefully in the mirror  as she does so, clearly aware how close her body is to his back. Joshua is seated on his right, picking at his nails to keep him occupied. Eun glances at Joshua's fingers and sighs, "how many times do I have to tell you to leave your poor nails alone?" She pats his hands, hinted for him to stop. He obliges, instead reaching for a makeup brush sitting on the counter. He brushes it over the back of his left hand, his skin tingling a little. Eun rolls her eyes and returns to Mingyu's hair. From across the room another staff member calls out to her, "Ms Hong after you've finished with hair can you please start on makeup?"
"Yes of course!" She shouts back, wishing that people would address her by her first name, she had pleaded to them earlier in the day, however the staff assisting the group were extremely persistent. She runs her hands through Mingyu's hair one more time before patting him on the shoulder, "you're all done!" He mutters a thanks and slides out of the chair. She moves along to Joshua, spinning his chair a little so she has better access to his face. She grabs a palettes, eyeliner and foundation and places them in front of the mirror. She reaches for a brush but Joshua grabs her wrist, making her tilt her head to the side. "Mingyu was staring at you in the mirror," his voice is flat and monotone, but Eun can see a slight hint of pain in his eyes. Her heart pounds while his eyes watch her own. She knows she should think carefully about what to say next. She smiles wryly, "I didn't, no," she says in hope that he'll feel settled in hearing she didn't take a notice to it. He lets go of her wrist, settling back into his chair. He mutters his endet words, "I don't like the way he looks at you." He rubs at a spot on his pants, waiting anxiously for any sort of response. Eun takes a brush in her hand, swirling it onto a foundation palette. She touches the brush lightly to his face, "you can't take someone's feelings away from them, he's trying his best." He again grabs her wrist, moving it away from his face before dropping it. "I know that, I just...I don't like it," he grumbles. She returns to applying his makeup, "I know, but trust me, I don't pay any attention to him." He nods in reply, grabbing his phone and browsing the internet for any recent news stories. Nothing much caught his attention, he only scanned the usual stories like 'dog rescued after years of living as a stray' or 'man convicted of theft breaches bail'. Eun finishes with the foundation and utters that she's going to find a different palette. Joshua nods and continues to browse the internet. His finger accidentally grazes over an article, bearing its full title to Joshua's eyes. 'BTS' V and Jungkook involved in scandal'. He must admit, he's intrigued. He's never taken an interest in BTS, but gossip is gossip, and no one can really resist a good scoop. He scans his eyes over the text, explaining exactly the nature of the scandal. From what he can gather, Jungkook was involved with a young girl, they ended their relationship without releases it publically. And leading up to the announcement the girl was seen out with V. He scrolls further down to see a picture of V and who he assumes is the young girl being referred to in the article. He zooms in a little and scrunches his eyebrows. The woman in the him, looks like his girlfriend. "I'm back," Eun calls from behind him. He frantically shoved his phone into his pocket and smiles, his heart is beating wildly, and is chest aches in realisation of what was going on. She had cheated on him, or maybe he was the one being used. His head pounds. Eun reaches out to his face, "I can't do this probably if your face is screwed up like that." He musters the biggest smile his current mental state will allow and relaxes his face. She touches a pad to his face, gently dabbing his forehead and cheeks. He shouldn't care, not right now when his group is so close to realising their dream. He's sure she had or has her reasons for doing what she did. He should judge her on that. But the rage building in his chest begs to differ. "Is something wrong?" Eun asks, "you look angry..." he glances up at her gestures a no with his hands, "it's nothing." She nods and continues with his makeup.

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