Chapter 44

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Current date of story, 22nd of December 2014, a Wednesday.

Eun asks Joshua, "I don't have the right clothes for this, is there any I can borrow?"

He purses his lips, "I'm not too sure, come with me for a minute." She nods and follows him out of the room. After passing through several hallways they reach a desk labelled 'lost and found'. "They're might be something here, have a look. I'll go grab some tape for your ankle," he strolls of into the distance. Eun reaches for a box, dragging it closer towards herself. Inside was mostly oversized hoodies and mens clothing. In another box she managed to find a pair of sports leggins, but no top. She was already wearing a white t-shirt but she'd have to go home in a stinky top. She looked underneath the desk and found one last box. She riffled through it and only found a simple black sports bra. "I guess this will have to do," she sighs. Joshua arrives and smiles, "found something?"

She nods, "yep, just let me go to the bathroom, I'll meet you back at the studio."

"Okay, sure thing, see you in five?"


He wanders off again. Eun clasps the two items of clothing and heads in the opposite direction. She quickly changes into the clothes she found and pulls her hoodie back over her head. She shoves her other clothes into her bag. "Lucky I wore sneakers today," she says walking out of the bathroom.

Eun arrives back at the studio a minute later and pushes the door open. The boys wave her in, all smiling sweet smiles at her. "Ready to get started?"

"Ye!" they all chime. They all huddle around her as she slides to the floor. Josh removes her shoe and sock, revealing a nasty scar line. The bruising has mostly gone down, however her skin still has a yellow - green tinge to it. "Does someone want to connect my phone to a speaker?"

"We already have the track on the computer," Jihoon says.

"Perfect, have you all stretched?"

"Yes," claps Dino.

Joshua finishes taping up her foot and pulls the sock back over. He quickly ties her laces and helps her to a standing position. Eun walks to the back of the room and waves the group over. "Three rows please, in your units if you like, and make sure everyone can see." The boys awkwardly shuffle into rows, Joshua ushers the vocal unit to the front since he half knew the choreo. Eun smiles at everyone, first I'll perform the dance, just watch." Joshua raises an eyebrow at her but she ignores him. She kneels down and hits play on the laptop. She faces the group.

Woah~ oh~ . Every night, I look up to the sky, She remains still for a moment before looking upwards and reaching her hand far above her head, all in time with the music and lyrics. And see you, Eun brings her hand down back to her side. Her eyes stare straight down the middle of the group and her head tilts upwards and to the side, exposing her neck and jawline. I recall all those memories...

I just wish I could forget, she places her hands on either side of her head, sticking her elbows outwards and moving the top half of her body back and forth. She throws her arms down, her legs bending and spreading wide, her hands rested on her thighs. She bobs to the music while crouching. Her ankle twinged with pain, she ignored it. We used to be the best of friends. But now what's left of us? She rises and spreads her arms out to the side, her left foot and knee moving in circular motions. The tempo speeds up, and so does Eun. Her arms and legs are moving faster and faster.

Shadows cloud my judgement, she uses her hands to illustrate a mess of fire and smoke. I should be better than this. I can't help but want you back, her shoulders roll and her elbows stick out to the side. Her hands push inwards, just shy of touching and then push out. Baby just one more time, she pushes one finger out towards the audience and kicks her leg up. Let me hear you voice, she moves her body 90 degrees to the left and pushes her palm up, past her ear and out towards the opposite wall. Let me feel your touch, She runs her hand down over her body from her chest to her mid thigh. Let me stare into your eyes, she covers half her face with her hand and smiles. All those moments we spent together, she entwines her fingers, releases them and hovers them over each other, creating the illusion of a ball. They're all gone forever, she pushes her right palm in the right direction and turns her body to the left. The chorus comes and goes before she arrives at the final chorus. I wish we had more time, she stretched one arm to the sky and the other to the ground and moved them in a clock motion. I wish we had more time, she dropped to the ground and traced a circle on the floorboards, a new addition to the dance that she adored. Applause rang and filled the studio. She modified the dance slightly, Joshua who was staring at her intently knew it. He realised that what she had managed to do was hurting her and that she couldn't have done anything more. She smiles kindly. "Ready to learn?" They all nod and bow slightly. She giggles and removes her hoodie, dancing had made her quite hot and bothered. She noticed a couple of the boys gawk at her exposed stomach and shoulders. Eun wiggles her ankle, as much as the tape would allow. Just as Eun opens her mouth, she notices Joshua take a step forward. He arrives in front of her and asks, "you want me to lead help with the tricky moves?"

"Do you remember them?"

"Yeah, of course, I'm not a goldfish you know," they both chuckle. Joshua faces the group, "there's a couple additional moves that Eun didn't show so I'll help with those

"Ye!" they all solute.

Eun puts her hands on her hips, "Facial expressions are extremely important..." she demonstrates the first few expressions and movements, the boys all seem to pick it up quite quickly. However it was up to them to remember everything, Eun couldn't do anything if they forgot the choreo. They were all great dancers from what she can tell, she's sure that they'll do well. She hoped they did, for her sake. She sent them off to their own spaces in the room to practice what she has taught them so far. She wondered round the room, watching each of them. She stood by Seokmin as he began the small part of the routine again. She reaches out and pushes his chin further up, "show off your jawline more." he nods and tries once more, angling his head at the perfect angle. "Good job," she smiles. There was a knock on the door to the studio. Eun spun on her heels and watched as Issi stepped into the studio.

Take one step at a time, and perfect that step

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