Chapter 72: Like Father Like Son

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I've been having feelings recently that this story has been going on too long. I've been considering ending it. I know I said this back in chapter 16, but that was long ago when the story was still young. I've been having a lot of fun writing this fic, no matter how stressful it may be. You never see fics that go up 70 chapters. I don't want to end this fic, I really don't, but I feel like I have to. Will this be ending soon? I'm not sure. Maybe you guys are getting bored of this. I feel like maybe this has been going on too long, and it's not original anymore. You guys seem to still enjoy it though, so I really don't know what to do with this right now. Continue? Or end it? For the time being, I will still be updating regularly, one chapter a day. I'm just letting you guys know what's going on behind the scenes right now. Enjoy the second titled chapter. =3

(don't let the above paragraph distract you from commenting on the actual chapter)

Natasha's pov:

"Fucking eat you weirdo!" Bucky shouts.

"Fuck you! I need to get back down to the lab!" Tony is holding 4 redbulls.

"Please, Tony, you need to eat." Steve pleads calmly.

"There's no time! I'm onto something real here!" Tony retaliates, trying to escape from the kitchen.

"You need to take care of yourself you hobo!" Bucky is pissed.

"Says greasy!" Tony yells back.

"You need to eat food! You need it to fucking survive! You haven't slept in 2 days!" Bucky argues.

Clint, Sam, and I are all watching this unfold from the living room.

"I have redbull and coffee to help me! Food and sleep is for the weak!" Tony challenges.

"Food and sleep is for the living!" Bucky shouts.

"If it makes you shut up, I'll eat tomorow! I don't have the time right now! My work wont wait for sleep!" Tony bargains.

"You have the time to keep yourself alive, Stank! When was the last time you showered?!" Bucky snaps.

"Fuck the shut up Clucky!" Tony tries to squeeze himself and his 4 cans of redbull past Bucky, but fails as Buck steps in front of him again.

"Eat you fucking monster!" Bucky pushes him to the fridge.

"You're wasting my time! I need to get down to the lab right now! I'm onto something big!" Tony argues.

"You Starks are always onto something big!" Buck retaliates.

"The sooner you let me finish my work, the sooner I'll take a fucking nap!" Tony clutches the redbulls to his chest tightly.

"A nap?! You need more than a nap, Stark! You need to fucking eat! You haven't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon, and it's evening you fucking moron!"

Tony and Bucky continue to scream at each other while Steve stands behind Tony awkwardly. This is great. Bucky starts throwing cheese sticks at Tony, while Tony still refuses to eat or sleep.

"I have a great new design for the suits, and I need to get back to it pronto! Now move it, tin man!" Tony snaps.

"I'm not letting you go until you fucking eat you freak!" Bucky slams his fist down on the counter.

"Why do you care so much anyway?!" Tony asks.

"Because I made a promise! I promised that I wouldn't let anything happen to you! I promised to make sure you fucking took care of yourself! I promised that I would make sure nothing hurt you, including yourself!" Bucky rants.

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