Chapter 1

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"Eeeeeh???? You still don't have a girlfriend?!"

I sighed. "Clarisse, I—"

"But you're going to turn seventeen this year!" she protested. "It's unbelievable that you still don't have one. Don't you even have a crush on anyone?"

"That's right," my mother called back. "Has anyone even caught your eye yet?"

...Hm. No.

Within two days, I'm going to be a second year in high school.

Ever since I was about thirteen years old, I've been going to W Academy, a multicultural private boarding high school, located in Tokyo, Japan.

Why? Because of my mom.

My mom is one of those parents who always has high expectations of her kids, especially her sons. My dad doesn't really mind, as long as his kids are happy, but he likes to agree with whatever my mom says.


Well, nothing I can do about that.

And that troublesome girl who keeps asking about my private life and any possible relationships associated with it? That's my cousin, Clarisse. She's from the Philippines, but she's going to be staying with my family here in Spain for a few months.

(She's kind of annoying, though.)

"I'm not actually sure about getting into a relationship yet, though," I quickly said. "I need to get better grades, study, you know..."

"Get a life!" Clarisse snorted. "You're so boring!!"

"At least I'm not like Francis," I muttered.

Clarisse puffed out her cheeks. "I know that your friends are really weird, because you told me about them. But I'm going to be in the same school as you this year, so I'll be able to observe you and other shit, putang ina!"

"Clarisse," my mom called back. "No swearing!"

"Okay~" she replied in a sweet tone, before facing me again, her face full of scorn. "I'm not done with you yet."

"You're the one who should get a life," I protested. "I actually care about studies, and all you care about is boys, food, and boobs!!"

Her face reddened. "T-That's...!!"

"Go to sleep already," my brother João called out, walking out of his room. "You're both so loud. It's 11 PM."

"YOU go to sleep!!" Clarisse retorted. "TARANTADO! BOBO!"

I covered my ears. "Ay, shut up!"

Clarisse stomped upstairs to her room, and glared at me. "No wonder you're still single. Putang ina mo!!"

"Back at you," I muttered under my breath, as she slammed the door. She's so childish.

But I I really that boring? Is that why I've been single, all these years?

...Come to think of it, I've never actually fallen in love with anyone, either.

Mom glanced at me, and sighed. "Leave her alone for a bit. She hasn't even turned fourteen yet. I'm sure you were like that at that age."

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now