Chapter 60

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POV (Lovino)


"They really don't understand me, right? Yeah, that's right. I'm too fucking hard to read. Even my boyfriend thinks so. Ahaha...ahahahaha..."

I choke out a sob.

I'm going crazy. My mind is all over the fucking place.

I lied to him. I had promised Antonio that I would tell him everything that was going on. That I wouldn't pretend things were alright when they weren't.

But I kept it all to myself.

If things really were alright, I wouldn't have reacted that way. If things really were alright, I wouldn't be sitting on the filthy floor tiles of the fucking bathroom, sobbing like a spoiled child.

And then I realize the horrifying truth.

"I-It's happening," I sputter, falling to my knees. The tears won't stop. "The break-up. Everything."

And no matter what, my constant premonitial dreams -- even those of the past, are linked to the future.

There's no way to stop it, Arthur had said to me. No way to stop the future, unless I change my ways in the present. Find a way to prevent the events from happening.

But I can't fucking think.


There are several bangs on the door. I sigh, and don't reply.

More banging.

More yelling of my name.

And sobbing.

Antonio is crying over me.


He always worries about me like this. I don't understand why.

"I don't know what I did," he calls to me, "but I'm sorry. Please, please, open up. Don't hurt yourself."

There's a terrified tone in his voice. He thinks I'm about to harm myself, like I did last year.

I open the door, and a look of pure relief and heartbreak rushes across Antonio's face.

"I'm sorry," he sobs. "I-I didn't mean to hurt you. I...I just thought that it was the truth, and, and..."

"I can't read you well either," I interrupt. "Have you ever thought about that? You're not the only dense one around here."

Antonio goes silent, and pales a little. "I...I'm sorry, I never thought of it that way."

"Everyone is always playing the victim," I say. "Even me. Why is our world like this? Why can't we be free, together? Why can't I just die--"

Antonio throws his arms around me. "Don't you fucking dare finish that sentence, Lovino Vargas."


"Lovino," he says, sucking in a breath, "whether we like it or not, your dreams are pretty much going to happen."

"That's not making me feel better!!" I scream. "I-I can't think!! I'm not like myself lately!! I-I-I-I-me-you-the-"

"Lovino, you need to settle down," Antonio whispers, holding me close to him. "I know it's been hard lately, but we're going to survive this war together, alright?"

I bite my lip, nodding bitterly. It's going to happen.

"But the breakup," I mumble, finding my tears again. "That's going to happen, too?"

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now