Chapter 17

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Lovino sat up, and looked around. "Oh my god. Did anyone come in here?!"

"Hm? I locked the door..."

He shook his head. "The school staff have the keys to the dorms, dammit. If someone came in here and reported us, we're doomed."

"It's 6:00 in the morning," I said. "Nobody would've come in here."

"But we were kind of loud," he sighed. "I'm worried."

I hugged him. "Hey, if anything happens, I'll cover for you, okay? I'll explain."

Lovi frowned. "As if that's going to make me feel better. Screw you."

He let out a big sigh. "If they came in here, they would've seen us sleeping in the same bed – naked, in each other's arms, they would'...and there's semen on the ground, too, and, OH MY GOD, I'm still in my fucking DEMON FORM!!"

"Calm down," I said. "I promise, if something goes wrong, I'll be here for you."


Lovi sighed, slinging his bag over his shoulder. "We have P.E class next, don't we?"

I nodded. "Yeah, we do."

"Fuck," he mumbled, grimacing. "I don't feel like I have the energy do anything lately..."

"Ah, but I thought you were good at sport..."

He glared at me. "Of course I am, dumbass. But I just don't feel like it today."

I looked at him, concerned. "You don't get enough sleep, Lovi. From time to time, I see you up as late as 3:00 AM."

"It's alright...I'm fine, dammit," he says, though I could see the tired look in his eyes.


"Volleyball..." he muttered, looking around, as if in a daze.

"Watch out!!" Alfred screamed, as the ball flew past Lovino.


Francis sighed, and looked at the rest of our teammates. "It's no use. He's no good. We'll have to swap him out for a sub."

"Hey, is that boyfriend of yours okay?!" another guy yelled back at me. "He completely missed the ball three times!!"

A scream from the small audience could be heard. It was Michelle, the exchange student from Seychelles.

"Oh my God, is he okay?!"

We all turned our eyes behind us.

My boyfriend was lying on the ground, seemingly unconscious. My heart stopped for a moment, and I rushed towards him.

"Lovino?!!!" I yelled, sitting down next to him.

"He seems to have fainted," someone said. "My guess is that it was from the weather. With this heat, anyone could pass out."

"It's not the heat, you dumbass," Gilbert snapped. "He looked pretty tired."

"Lovino..." I said, holding onto his hand.

"Get him to the school nurse," someone else said. "He'll need someone to stay with him."

Francis sighed, and looked at me. "He's probably only going to want to talk to you. You should go."


"What happened..." Lovi suddenly mumbled, his eyes fluttering open.

I sighed. "You fainted in the middle of the P.E class."

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now