Chapter 7

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I exhaled, drying my tears. "First of all, don't freak out. I'm going to show this to you, because I feel like it's something you really need to know, dammit. You plan on spending the rest of your life by your side, right?" Antonio nodded, and I sighed.

"You see, I'm actually going to have to watch you die. Because you'll die eventually, being a mortal, and I'm immortal, so I'll stay alive...forever."

He bit his lip, thinking about it. I stood up from the bed.

"In other words," I said, my voice cracking, feeling the tears coming again, "I've been lying to you this entire time, Antonio. This? What you see in front of you, what everyone sees? This is a lie. This is my disguise here on Earth."

Here it comes, I thought. The clock.

The unique watch Antonio had been admiring. The watch I always wore.

It was a version of something we used in the Underworld – the Magyk Clock.

In a nutshell, there are these symbols on it, and when the clock strikes on the top – the number 666, demons cannot hide their wings for a certain amount of time. My watch is just a version of it – so that I can carry it around, here on Earth.








As the clock's hands hit the '666' symbol, I turned my back against him, and a growing pain pierced my back. I felt an overwhelming aching surround my head at first – before extending to my entire body. I shut my eyes.

When the transformation had concluded, I hesitated for a moment, and looked back at him, knowing that I could trust him.

"L-Lovino..." Antonio managed to say, in shock.

A pair of wings had sprouted out of my back – dark red ones, both of which resembled the shape of the wings of a bat. Below, a long, thin tail with some sort of an arrow shape hung from my behind, just below my hip.

"Lovino, your eyes..."

He was right. Now that I had returned to my true form, my once hazel eyes were now a pinkish-red, and little red devil horns rested on the top of my head.

I nodded, trying to fight the tears again. "T-This is me. I'm still Lovino, but—uhm—u-u-u-u-uuuuuu"

Before I knew it, I had burst into tears again. Was he going to break up with me? Tell his friends?
"Lovino." He held onto my hands. "Though you're different—"

"I'm not even fucking human!" I sobbed. He held me close.

"Though you're different," he began again, "that doesn't make you any less special to me, you know."
I wiped away my tears. "What?"

He grinned. "When you transformed, I almost thought you were an angel."

I snorted. "I'm a demon, Antonio."

"A fallen angel, then," Antonio said. "Now, is there something you want to explain to me?"

I nodded. I need to tell him all.

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now