Chapter 30

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"Ah, I'm tired," I sighed, as soon as we got back to Lovi's apartment. "That was a bit tiring, wasn't it?"

"I'm not tired yet."

I grinned. "Hey, it's 9 PM already, darling. You should sleep."

He sat on the bed, crossing his arms. "Don't wanna, dammit."

"You're so stubborn."

"I want the reward already, dammit. You promised me." Lovi glared at me.

"Then show me what you bought."


I tickled him and he giggled, trying to tug at my hair.

"Daaaaaaaamnnnnnn youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!"

"You'll have to show me first!!"

The innocence of our playful bickering lingered in the room, though I knew that in the circumstances we were in now, it would eventually dissolve.

"Okay, okay!!" He got off the bed, and grabbed the bag, walking into the bathroom. "Sheesh."

Lovi walked out after a moment, wearing a white dress.

It was shorter than the rest of his dresses, and as he shut the door behind him, I caught a glimpse of his pert little ass.

"There. Now can we do it, dammit?"

"You're so cute. Come over here, darling."

He blushed in excitement and jumped into my arms – suddenly transforming into his demon form – just like that.

"Oh..." I looked at him. "You certainly are excited, aren't you?"

"Horny," he corrected me, already starting to move his hips against mine.

I caressed his sides, a smirk creeping onto my face. "White? Hmm...I hope this dress wasn't expensive, Lovi."

"Oh, it was only 2000 yen," he mumbled. "Honestly, I can find so many cheap shit here in Japan."

"You're so fucking sexy," I whispered. "Are you doing this on purpose? Buying all of these clothes?"

Lovi grinned. "What the fuck do you think?"

"I'll take that as a yes." My lips collided with his. He landed onto the bed, and another flash of white caught my eye, in between his legs.

"A-Are you wearing anything underneath?" I hesitantly asked.


I spread his legs apart, poking the laced undergarments. "What's this?"

"You'll have to find out, you bastard." A playful grin spread across his face, his eyes wide with anticipation.

"Hah. Very funny. Turn around for me, will you?"

My fingers grasped the zipper on the back of his dress, gently pulling it down.

The dress fell off his shoulders, and I raised my eyebrows.

"W-Where did you..."

My beautiful boyfriend was sitting in front of me – wearing lingerie. The type that looked somewhat innocent.

He glared at me, turning around. "Stop staring. Just do something already, dammit."

"Where did you get this?" I asked. The lacy material of the undergarments made it so that I was given a teasing view of his skin. What's more is, it's white.

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now