Chapter 58

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POV (Antonio)


"R-Really?!" Kiku gasps. "You can't be serious -- that is only a story!"

Lovino shrugs. "Childhood in the Underworld. What do you expect?"

I grin and sit down next to them. "What're you guys talking about?"

"My childhood," Lovino replies. "What else?"

"That's a bit of a dark topic there, isn't it?" Arthur sighs.

As much as I dislike him, Arthur is right. I don't usually like the topic of Lovino's childhood. It's...too much.

"How old were you?" Alfred asks. My boyfriend shrugs again.


I can't help but shudder. He was abused at five.

"I'm still interested to know what were the torture and punishment techniques used in the Underworld," Kiku says, taking out a small notebook. "Were there any specific devices used?"

Lovino bites his lip. "There was this thing. You'd slide in one of your fingers, line it up with the device's blade, and then slam the handle. It basically pops your fingernail off."

"H-hwaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh?!?!?!?!" Kiku gasps. "That is the sort of thing you would see in anime!!"

...I've never seen Kiku so...loud.

"I guess," Lovino says. "I...I feel like we shouldn't talk about my shitty life. I mean, it's still shitty, but..."

I squeeze my boyfriend's hand, and smile at him. "It's alright, baby. We can talk about something else."

"Y'all, we're going to a café," says Liz. "We've been sitting here doing nothing, you know..."

"Whatever," Lovi snaps. "I don't give a shit."

I glance at him. "Lovino..."

Gilbert snickers, elbowing Francis. "Just like him, too. Lovino really is a dick to everyone but his boyfriend, isn't he?" he whispers, a little too loudly.

A little too loud for my ears.

But Lovino realizes what's happening almost immediately, and grabs my wrist, shaking his head. I sit back down and let out a sigh.

Next time, I will make it clear to everyone that nobody, nobody insults Lovino. My Lovino.

"Is it really alright?" I ask. "Your demon form..."

"My wings are gone," he sighs. "It's alright. Can we go already?"

"Fine. Let's go."


"You have to stop doing that, Antonio. It's fucking dumb."

My boyfriend is wearing the pink hoodie he bought last week, and I can't help but squeal on the inside. (I mean, LOOK AT HIMMMMM!!!!) He's also wearing denim shorts--



...Now that I think about it, when did Lovino start dressing like this?

"Damn," Gilbert whispers to me, as soon as Lovino runs off to show Alfred something (A meme?). "Feli's brother--"

"Lovino," I correct him. "He has a name, you know. Quit referring to him as 'Feli's Brother'. He's not an object."

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now