Chapter 19

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I woke up in his arms, to find that for once – I had woken up earlier than him.

Doing my best to wriggle out of his gentle yet somewhat firm grip, I finally slipped out of his arms, and crawled over him.

"Good morning~" I whispered, planting a kiss on his lips.

At the sound of my voice, Antonio sat up, a smile on his face as he caressed the side of my face. "Happy birthday, darling~"

I threw my arms around him. "Thank you."

Alfred kicked open the door of our dorm room, and he grinned, blasting 'All Star' on full volume. "Happy Birthday, bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I laughed. "Thanks, Al."

"I made you a cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He handed over a cake with weird colors on it, and I tried not to grimace.

"Oh. Thanks, but I'm not really hungry right no—"

"Happy birthday, you wanker," Arthur muttered. "Feliciano's boyfriend is holding a mini party in their dorm – and they asked me to let you know that you're invited."

Antonio broke into a grin. "Oh, really? We'll be right there!!"


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Clarisse screeched, rushing over to crush me in a hug. "MAHAL KITAAAAAA!!!"

I chuckled. "Thanks, Clarisse. Wait, are you even allowed in the boys' dorms—"

"We snuck in," Liz said, waving.


I immediately ran over to sit beside Feli, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Happy birthday, you dumbass."

"You too," he giggled. "I love you, fratello."

I ruffled his soft hair, planting a kiss on his forehead. "Go to hell~"

"Oh, yeah," he said. "Nonno is starting a video call. He wants to talk to us!"

"The people of the Underw—I mean, our relatives know how to FaceTime?" I asked, bewildered.

Feli nodded. "Okay, it connected. Ciao, Nonno~"

Our grandfather broke into a smile. "Feliciano, Lovino! How are you two?"

"Fine," I mumbled, looking away for a bit. It had been a while since I saw my grandfather, and I still didn't know what he truly thought of me. Whenever he visited us here in Earth – in disguise, I'd run away and start crying, because the truth is, I fucking miss him.

"Have you two made any friends? Or perhaps...found any love?"

I blushed, and didn't say anything. He'd expect something from Feliciano, that's for sure. Feliciano, the cuter one. Feliciano, the talented one.

"Lovino?" There was concern in his voice.

I looked at the screen. "I-I actually have someone now..."

"Aww, still as shy as ever! Who's the lucky girl?"

"Nonno..." I braced myself for what was coming next. "My love is a man."

There was silence for about five seconds, then Nonno broke into a smile.

"That's just as wonderful!! Who's the lucky guy?"


I nudged my boyfriend. "Antonio, he wants to see you."

He raised his eyebrows. "Oh? Okay! Uhm, hello, Lovi's grandpa!!"

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now