Chapter 52

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Time passed (again), and now school's back. (yay.)

Breaks really never last long, do they?

I get out of bed, and grin. "Lovi?"

"Right here, you bastard."

"Oh? Wait-- what's Clarisse doing here?!"

My cousin is sitting next to Lovino in bed, and they seem to be recording something.

"What are you doing, darling?" I ask him.

Lovi shrugs. "We're recording a video for our TikTok account."

"I thought you didn't like TikTok."

"I dunno," Clarisse laughs. "We decided to make a shared account for the two of us."

"Oh? You should feature me in one of your videos sometime~" I teased.

Lovino smirks. "Oh? Alright, then. We'll give you the password to the account, and you can join us."


Clarisse nods. "Yeah, we're getting pretty popular already -- just don't post any stupid shit, okay?"



I hold the phone to my face. "Hit or miss, I gue--"

"No." Lovino snatches his phone back. "No dead memes. That's fucking off-limits."


Clarisse grins. "We could try doing the 'Love Me, Love Me' challenge--"

"NO!!" Lovi shrieks. "That's so goddamn cheesy. I was thinking of--"
I grab the phone. "Okay, I'm gonna record now~"


"Gwiyomi, gwi-gwi-gwiyomi-~"


"What the hell?!"

I grin. "Finished~"
Lovino rolls his eyes. "No more dead memes. Please."

"Says the one who spelled out 'H-Ar-Am-Be' with the elements from the periodic table in class last week," Clarisse scoffs.

"Nobody asked you, dammit!!"

"Nobody cares about you and your obsession with dead memes, heathen."

I give a long sigh. "Please, just stop fighting...we'd better get dressed -- or we'll be late."

"Sure," Clarisse mumbles.

My boyfriend playfully flips me off. "Sure, Dad."

"You'll be calling me 'Dad' later on if you're not careful, Lovi."

"Mm, kinky. Nah, just kidding. Let's go already, stupid."


"Ah, it feels so good to be back here at the tree!" Kiku happily sighs, as we sit down by our usual lunch area.

Alfred shrugs. "Man, I dunno. I hate school. It's hard."

"That's because you never finish your assignments on time!" Arthur scoffs.

Lovino hugs me. "Antonioooooooooooo..."
"Hmm? What is it, darling?"

"I'm tired..."
I chuckle. "That's because you didn't sleep at all last night."

"I haven't had my daily coffee..." he groans.

"You won't grow with all that coffee, you know."

"Y-Yes I will!!"

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now