Chapter 42

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Song: Antichlorobenzene

Artist: Owata-P (Kagamine Rin)

Link to song:


i will forgive,

i will not dismiss

even the smiles, this jealousy

even i can try to embrace it

good is fine

evil is fine

lets just go and fall asleep

stop -- no more, i'm tired

can someone even try to save us?


"He's awake..."

Doctors and surgeons exchange conversation.

...I'm in the hospital.

This is one of those times when I'm not oblivious.

They get out of the room, and my family is let inside.

My mother and father are in tears.

Clarisse is sobbing – she knows what happened.

My other siblings are clinging to my parents.

"Antonio..." Clarisse runs over to me, holding my hand in hers. "What did" She lowers her voice to a whisper. "What did they do to you?"

"," I whispered in a hoarse voice. My ass hurts like hell. My entire body is flowing with nothing but pain.

"Why? Who did this to you?" my father asked.

I went through with the plan. Nobody is to find out about the Underworld except for Clarisse and our other close friends – not even my parents or siblings. "I...I....did"

My mother is horrified. "But why...?"

"I don't feel right. Lovino and I decided to rid ourselves of the world so that we could live together in Heaven – then maybe the world would be a better place without us."

She shakes her head. "Lovino is in the other room. He woke up earlier than you – about five minutes ago."

My eyes are now open. "Lovino..."

"He's alright," Dad says. "He was looking for you. We found your bodies in his room."

"How did you get into his room..."

"Some American guy bust open the door for us."

I nod. "How long am ...I gonna here...?"

"For a while," Clarisse sighs. "But after a few weeks, you'll be able to hang out with us like every day, y'know!"

I manage a small smile. "That's...good..."


~ Ten weeks later ~


"I...I'm so sorry."

Lovino is sitting in front of me. He's covered in scars, some healing, others still red. Bruises color parts of his frail body.

"I...I love you so much," he says, choking on tears. "I wanted to stop them from hurting you. I wish I'd known that they would be conducting rape as part of the session. I...I..."

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora