Chapter 55

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TW: Smut, crossdressing (it's a joke lmao), flashbacks about Lovino and Feliciano's violent childhood.


"T-They're off..."

I drop his undergarments to the ground below us. Lovino's face is flushed red, as he parts his legs a little. Little scars from the day we were tortured in the Underworld are visible on his legs.

"D-Don't look," he mumbles.

I sigh. "Why not, Lovino? I want to cherish every part of you..."
His eyes fill with tears. "B-Because I'm so fucking embarrassed. Look at those scars. They're fucking hideous. I can't...I can't..."

I take off my shirt, setting it down beside me. "Umm..."

"Y-Yeah, sure, you have them too," he stammers, "but...but..."

"No buts," I snap, holding his hands in mine. "Do you really think I'd ever see you as anything other than beautiful, Lovi?"

"W-Well..." He's close to crying now. I soften my features, and move in closer to him.


"Don't ever degrade yourself like that again." I pull down his boxers, receiving a yelp of surprise from his lips.

"H-Hey, I--aAAhhNNN~!!"

I lick at the tip of his dick, gently gripping onto the base with my right hand. Every now and then, I'd tease him by bobbing down a little lower, taking in the entire head of his cock.

"A-Antonio, it's t-too much," he moans. "Nnnyyaahhhhh..."

I raise my eyebrows and stop my movements for a moment, looking up at him. "Too much? We've only just started, Lovino. It's as if you're a virgin all over again, ahaha~"

He frowns, as his lips form a pout. "Dumbass, have you forgotten that we haven't had sex in a while, let alone a fucking blowjob?"

"Aha, that's true, that's true. Okay, then~" I lick the side, kissing it every now and then.

Lovino gasps a little, while attempting to keep the scowl on his face. "Y-You fucking bastard...nngh...aahh, yes, there...mmm..."

"Have I ever told you," I suddenly say, pausing for a moment, "that your cock is actually way bigger than I expected? I didn't figure you'd be any more than five inches, let alone seven."

"Wow. Thanks for letting me know that I radiate small dick energy, Antonio."

I laugh. "T-That's not what I meant..."

Lovino smirks. "You keep telling yourself that, dammit."

"Stay put, okay? Don't move so much." I lower down, slowly trailing my tongue from his balls to the shaft, all the way to the tip of his cock, now dripping with precum.

"I-It feels too good," he moans. "More..."

I start bobbing my head up and down, allowng my movements to gradually speed up.



During our first time, I never really expected Lovino to be loud during sex. I mean, sure -- I knew he was sensitive and all, but it definitely (pleasantly) surprised me when he suddenly let out a loud moan. Very loud.

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now