Chapter 28

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Morning came, and it was Sunday.

Lovino opened his eyes, smiling at me. "Last night was good."


He nodded. "You didn't say 'Chungus'. Good job."

I snorted. "You'll never forget that, hm?"

"It will haunt you forever, Antonio."

We both laughed, and he looked down at his dress, which had been folded neatly, on his desk.

"I can't believe you stopped me from giving you hickeys just so that you could fold your dress," I said.

Lovi rolled his eyes. "That dress was 6000 yen. That's at around 60 American dollars, dammit."

I raised my eyebrows. "Wow. Pricey."

He grinned. "What about you? What did you think of last night?"

"You were less tight than last time." I raised an eyebrow. "I expected you to be tighter. Please tell me you didn't find someone during the time after our breakup."

He glared at me. "Why the fuck would I do such a thing?"

Lovi's cheeks turned pink. "Also, I, uhm...kinda play with myself down there...sometimes with things other than just my fingers, so..."

I nodded. "Understandable~"

"You always sound so fucking calm," he laughed.

"It's better than Feli, who's optimistic as hell," I snorted. "Can you imagine – me cheering you on right after the breakup?"

My boyfriend giggled. "Gross."

"Veee!!" I squeaked, imitating his little brother. "You can do it, Lovi!! You can get through this!! Woo, woo!!"

"KYWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Lovino giggled, falling back down onto the bed. "STOP MAKING ME LAUGH LIKE THAT, DAMMIT!!"

"Your laugh is so fucking cute," I said, kissing his soft pink lips again.

Lovi's lips curled into a smirk. "It's still weird hearing you curse more often. Have I influenced you?"

"It's spreading!!" I squealed. "It's contagious – it's the Lovinopocalypse!!"

He broke down in laughter. "Seriously, if my vocal cords suddenly smash to pieces one day, I'm going to blame it on you. You make me laugh way too much, dammit!!"

I grinned. "Off topic, but your moans are really cute."

Lovi raised his eyebrows. "The fuck?"

"They're cuteeeeeeeeee!!!!" I said, hugging him. "Just like everything else about you!!"


"Oops, sorry~"

After we had gotten dressed for the day, we decided that we wouldn't be doing much today.

I's Sunday.

Nobody does anything on Sunday.

Lovi looked back at me. "You do know what was the real reason that I wore that hell of a dress, right?"

"Hell of a dress?" I repeated, grinning. "I thought it was cute, actually."

"W-Whatever. I bought it myself, from that shop where Liz and I bought clothes."

He bought it himself?


Lovi blushed. "I didn't realise that things would come to this, but I knew that you had a weird dress kink or something, but..."

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now