Chapter 24

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The day we had committed our love to each other in Lovino's bedroom, I really had thought that we would stay together for the rest of our lives.

Ludwig glanced at me. "It's my fault again, isn't it?"

"Oh, hello. What?"

"That you two broke up. Lovino attempted (and failed) to commit suicide, after Feliciano revealed that we were in a relationship, and he broke up with you shortly after his brother announced that we were going to begin living together soon."

I shook my head. "No, it's not your fault, Ludwig. He overreacted."

He stared at me, his icy blue eyes piercing my green ones. "You're being an asshole, Antonio. That man was truly in love with you. He always had some sort of a crazy look in his eyes whenever he was together with y—"

"Listen, Ludwig," I said, lowering my voice to a stern whisper, "I was the one who decided to end things with that troublesome brat, not him. And I don't plan on getting back together with him, either. There is nothing you can do about it. We are no longer dating, and will not engage in any sort of friendship, either."

Ludwig sighed. "I suppose I can't force anything on you – that wouldn't be right. If Francis were here, he'd say that line of his – 'love cannot be forced'. And it is the truth. But I hope that you will make wiser choices in the future – you breaking up with Lovino was a big thing, and it will most likely never leave your head. You will think about it constantly. Good day, I'll see you at class, Antonio."


Clarisse grinned. "You going to the tree again?"


"Lovino isn't there today. I wonder why. Should we look for him? I'll help you."

Oh, that's right. I didn't tell her yet.

"That won't be necessary," I replied calmly. "So, let's go to the tree and have lunch, hm?"

My cousin raised her eyebrows. "It isn't like you to be like this – ignoring Kuya Lovi—"

"You can stop calling him 'Kuya' now, Clarisse."

"Huh?" A look of confusion spread across her face. "Why?"

"Because it's over."

"What, is he going to be tortured today? That soon? Doesn't that mean that you'll also—"

I shook my head. "We broke up, Clarisse."

The next thing I saw was her hand going straight to my face.

"What the hell?! Why did you ju—"

"I hate you," Clarisse said, her hands in fists. "I hate you."

"You didn't like him either, thoug—"

"ARE YOU THAT DENSE?!" she cried. "I saw him as a big brother. I was hoping that you two would get married, just so that I'd be somewhat related to him. I had a crush on him when I was little, and now you're telling me that I'll never see him again?!"

"If you really liked him that much, why didn't you just goddamn tell him, instead of letting us fall in love with each other?"

"Because I thought that you guys were meant for each other," Clarisse screamed. "I cared about you two. I can't believe that you're THAT oblivious – to the point that you would fall for my endless lies about not appreciating his presence. And sure – I'll see him every day at school, but he won't talk to me, either. And you were the only one who could smile."

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang