Chapter 10

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A few days passed, and before I knew it, it was already the weekend.

Which can only mean one thing – free time to spend with Antonio, without school getting in the way.

I rolled out of bed in laziness, not feeling bothered to get up at all. Which is a mood. But whatever, dammit.

My hands gripped onto the sheets of my boyfriend's bed. "Hey."

"Good morning, Lovi," he laughed, squeezing my hand. I broke into a big grin.

"Let's go out," I said. "I want to hang out with you again, dammit."

Antonio smirked. "Don't we hang out every day, though?"

I giggled. "Whatever. Studying doesn't count, dammit."

"You're so beautiful," he said. His hands ran across my arms. "And your skin is soft, too."

"If we weren't in a relationship, I would've killed you for saying that," I snorted. "Oh, and about that..."

"Hm? What is it?"

I sighed. "I try to sound tough and shit, but I actually can't do anything like that – you know, beating up people and all that. I'm too scared to try anything violent. Basically, I'm really different from what people expect of me."

"And there's nothing wrong with that," Antonio assured me. "You may be vulgar and intimidating at first, but after I got to know you, I realized that you're actually a pretty adorable and interesting guy."

"But I'm a fucking crybaby," I complained. He laughed, and ruffled my hair playfully, causing me to crack a smile.

"Nothing wrong with that, either."

I sighed, and frowned. "It's still early in the morning, and it's already so fucking hot, dammit..." I slipped off my shirt, and tossed it to the ground.

"I can see you, you know," I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "You're looking at me."

"I can't help the fact that you're attractive, okay?" Antonio laughed. "Sorry."

I grinned. "Dork."

He hugged me from behind, startling me a little. "I love how you're so delicate, yet you have a soft centre."

"Wow. Thanks for stating the obvious," I muttered, poking my stomach. He laughed.

"I didn't mean it that way. Oh, but the fact that you're a little chubby is cute, though~"

I nodded and put a finger to my lips. "At least I'm not a fucking whore, unlike those guys."

"Which guys?"

"The ones I saw on TikTok." I mockingly swayed my hips, imitating the fuckboy users online.

Antonio laughed. "Really, Lovino..."

I grinned. "Exactly."

He held my hips, and raised his eyebrows. "Well, you're certainly fitter than I'll ever be. Do you play any out-of-school sports?"

"Uhm, I play some soccer, I guess," I mumbled. "But I'm kinda clumsy, so..."

His eyes glittered with excitement. "I heard from Feli that you play at school, too. Can I watch you sometime?"

I nodded. "I don't see why you'd want to, but sure."

Antonio smiled. "Why are you so self-depreciating? You're a wonderful person, you know."

"And why do you consider yourself to be an incredibly flawed guy, which you kind of are – but why do you always think so little of yourself?"

He laughed. "Good point. I guess we're both even in that area, then."

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora