Chapter 33

14 1 2

Song: Shissou (Ouran High School Host Club Ending)

Artist: Last Alliance

Link to song:


Let's return those bitter days, Can you open it?
Your dreams are locked inside Pandora's box

Whether you make the first or second move, you must move forward, OK!
It's good to rest a bit, I know that
The process of how I've made it up to here is your proof

Hold your left and right hands above your head and pierce through the darkness, GO!


I woke up to find that Lovi wasn't sleeping beside me.

And when I went downstairs, my family was unusually quiet.

"Who died?" I asked, staring at all of them. "And where's Lovi?"

"He went out," Mom explained. "He had something to do."
"Such a caring boyfriend," Clarisse teased. "What do you need, anyway?"

"...Nothing. I'll go look for him." I swung open the door.

"You going out dressed like that?" Mom asks.


My father raises his eyebrows. "Well. It's his eighteenth birthday, so let's let him do what he wants for a day, hm?"

"Happy Birthday," they all yell back.

The last thing I see before shutting the door is Clarisse's grimace and another handful of condoms being thrown towards my direction.


"Fuck," I sighed. "Where is he?"

"It's not like you to be swearing on such a day."

I looked back to see Emma grinning at me. I broke into a smile.

"Happy birthday, dear," she said, hugging me. "How's Lovi?"

"Gone," I mumbled. "I'm looking for him right now."

"You'd better not try to find him," she says. "It has to do with your birthday, and I feel like his happy mood will quickly change if you find him while he's preparing things for you."

"Oh. Thanks." I look around. "Um."

Emma grins. "In the meantime, Natalya and Alfred have already set up the ice rink for us. Ivan was in charge of...the snow."

I raised my eyebrows. "Snow? Sure – it's February, so it's definitely still somewhat cold here in Japan, but...snow?"

She shrugs. "You'll have to go see for yourself. I brought my bike." Emma points towards a shiny, vintage-style bicycle, parked at a pole. "It has two seats, so—"

"No, you prat!! We'll take my motorcycle."

"Arthur?" I glance back at the Brit. "Where'd you—"

"Well, I don't have all day. Hop on. Emma can ride on her own—"

"SHUT UPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Ludwig was standing behind Arthur, a scowl on his face. "Leave your bikes over there. We're taking the train with the others."

Nobody dared to argue, and the two set their bikes aside.


"Veeeeee!!" Feli grinned, hugging me. "Happy bi—"

"The skates are over there," Natalya snaps. "You should be thanking me."

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now