Chapter 9

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"That's him." I nodded towards a guy of English descent, sitting beside Alfred. He was blond, though his huge eyebrows were jet-black.

Antonio wrinkled his nose. "Ew, him?"

I let out a big sigh. "Antonio, I don't care that you hate him, do you want to talk to him about it, or not?"

"How do you know if I even want to turn into a demon?" Antonio asked. "I'm not entirely sure about this, you know."

"Hold on." I leaned in closer. "Do your friends know?"

"What, that you aren't human?" he whispered. "No! Why would I tell them—"

"Not that," I said. "That we're dating."

"Oh. They don't know—"

"Oh, yes we do!! Hon! Do you think that we're that stupid?"

We both turned around to see two guys, a blond dude, and an albino bastard.

I grimaced. "Great."

"Y-You knew?" Antonio asked, a look of surprise on his face. Gilbert cackled.

"Of course we did!! It's awesome, though. You're finally with someone!!"

"Unlike someone," Francis mumbled, his eyes darting over to Gilbert.

Gilbert sighed. "She's a real beauty, that Elizaveta. Too bad she can't see how awesome I am!!"

"You gotta stop flexing on everyone," Alfred scoffed. "Girls don't like narcissistic guys. They find it gross."

Antonio looked at Francis. "What about you? Didn't you like Arthur at one point? During sixth grade?"

"Oui," the baguette bastard replied. "We've known each other since we were toddlers, so I figured that he'd probably accept. But then he fell for Alfred, so I never bothered telling him."
"Wow," Alfred whispered. "Deep."

"That's actually really sad," Antonio sighed.

"Non," Francis said, shaking his head. "I got over it a long time ago. Love cannot be forced, you know. I'll just have to wait for the right time."

I rolled my eyes. "I actually thought at first that I hated Antonio, dammit. And now I love him to fucking bits."

"Wow," Matthew whispered. "I've never heard so many swear words in such an empathic sentence."
"Since when were you here?" Antonio asked the Canadian. Matthew let out a sigh.

"I was here in the last fifteen minutes, Antonio. You guys really should pay more attention."

"Where's Feli?" Antonio asked. I shrugged.

"He's in the other class. He's still a junior, but he'll be a first-year next year."



Francis looked at me. "Have you two gone on a date yet?"

We nodded, and Antonio kissed my cheek. I squeezed his hand.

"Have you kissed yet? On the lips?" Gilbert asked.

I nodded. "During our first date, we confessed to each other, and had our first kiss."

There was a crazy, eager look in Francis' eyes. "Have you two had sex yet?"

Antonio looked horrified. "Francis, Lovino is only fifteen! He's underage!"

"I'll be sixteen in March," I scoffed.

"That's still too young, though," Antonio sighed. "I wonder if it was a good idea to do that the other night."

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now