Chapter 20

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As we all know, time comes and goes – it just passes by.

Before we knew it, we had our mid-year exams.

And we were stressed (and maybe even a little depressed).

But we passed.

And then the fun and games were over once again, as time passed by again – and we had our end-of-year exams.

But we passed them!

And Lovi (only just) passed his Spanish tests, too. Which is good!

And then we had Christmas and the New year and all that...

(Lovino stayed at my place again, and we slept together again. Without having sex, of course.)

And so...

Before we knew it, it was the new school year all over again, and Lovi and I have been together for an entire year.

And he cried on our one-year anniversary.

It was adorable.


"Fucking hell. I'm a second-year now, dammit!!"

I grinned. "Is that a positive remark or no?"

Lovi smiled. "I don't know. Your call. Do you like exams and assignments? Three times the amount we had last year?"

"Ah, I'll take that as a no."

He giggled. "I was so excited this morning, dammit. I just wanted to see you at school again..."

"Yes, the break was long, wasn't it?" I agreed, ruffling his dark brown hair. "I'm glad we're dorm partners again."

"This is rigged, isn't it?" he snorted. "That we keep ending up together for everything – whether it's dorm partner assignments or class project partners. We're supposed to be stuck with the same partner for two years, right? Yeah, this is definitely rigged. Someone is setting us up."

"Well, I heard that Kiku's dad works as one of the administrators of the school. Kiku must've told his dad to—"

"I knew there was something shady about that guy, dammit!! Fucking hell – he was trying to matchmake us that entire time!!"

"And I'm thankful for it," I whispered, holding him close. "Because I met you, and now we'll never be apart."

"Except for after you graduate – when you'll be studying abroad in fucking Europe."

"Wow, way to ruin the mood, Lovi."

"You'll text and call, won't you?"

"Of course!"

We laughed, and I planted a kiss on his soft, pink lips.

"I'll see you at class, darling."

As I walked off to put my bag away, I felt a sharp tug on my shirt.

"One last hug," he spat. "Dammit."
I sighed, hugging him tightly, before letting go.

"I love you, you bastard!!" he called back.

I waved, calling out to him.


"Ah, I'm so fucking tired!!" Lovi sighed, dropping his bag to the ground. "Alfred and the twins kept singing during math class, dammit!"

"And you couldn't concentrate because of them?" I asked.

"NO!! I wanted to concentrate and study harder because I'm a dumbass who has low ass grades, but I wanted to join in with them, too!!"

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now