Chapter 54

23 1 6

Song insp: STAY



A melting flowing melody

I can't make you cry like this

The fragrance is sweet felony

But I still love it


"Boo!!" Alfred takes a sip of his Coke. "Are you high or something, bro? That's exactly why we're in this situation right now!! Besides, it's the freaking weekend!! Live a little!!"

Lovino rolls his eyes, and stares at me. "Antonioooooooooooooooo..."

At the moment, we're all hanging out at Kiku's place. Though Liz's place is huge, it sure feels great to stay at a more, as Lovi likes to put it -- 'fucking homey' place for a change.

"Darling? Are you okay?" I ask, smiling down at him.

He shrugs. "Dunno. I wanna drink."

Now, there's one thing I know for sure -- getting Lovino drunk isn't usually a very good idea. It usually ends with me getting drunk too, an angry Lovino...or a horny Lovino. Or even both.

Which...isn't good. I think.

I sigh. "Are you sure? I don't think that's a good idea. Let's not forget that you're only seventeen."

"Never mind," Lovino quickly says. "Let's go shopping."
"Oh?" Liz says, getting up. "I'll go get ready, then!!"

"No," Lovi says. "Just us."

Lovino...wants to go with me...



He wants to go on a date with me?

I smile to myself. It's been a while since we did anything together outside -- without Liz, Clarisse or Feli tagging along.

Speaking of he okay?

I walk over to my boyfriend's brother. "Feli?"

He jolts in surprise, and glances back at me. "Oh...hi~"

"You okay? You know, after all that happened..."
Feliciano nods. "Yeah, we talked about it a few days ago, and apologized to each other. It's all good now~"

"Oh, that's good!!"


Lovino is standing behind me. He's wearing a simple hoodie and shorts, and my heart melts a little. No matter what he's wearing, he always manages to look adorable.


"Are you done yet? We're leaving, dammit."

I grin. "Yeah, I'm done. Let's go?"




I look over at him. "You're happy today, aren't you?"

"Enjoy it while it lasts, dammit," he snaps, reverting back to his default sassy attitude. "Today is one of those days where I'm in a good mood for once."

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now