Chapter 18

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POV (Lovino)


I looked up at my boyfriend. "Why the fuck are you so busy lately? Get some fucking rest, dumbass."

He gave me a pleased expression. "Nope."

"If you don't get some fucking sleep right now, I'll dominate you when we have our first time, dammit."

"Sleeping is gay," Antonio replied.

"You're gay!!"

He shrugged. "I'm making plans for your birthday, Lovi. I can't sleep."

"Dumbass!! Sleep already!!"

"Lovi, I—"

I glared at him. "Look, I've been trying to get enough sleep for the past few days just so that you wouldn't worry so much about me, but now you're the one who isn't sleeping enough!!"

Antonio smiled. "You're worried about me?"

Tears formed in my eyes, and I felt my face get hot. "Yes!!"

"Ah, I'm sorry, then," he sighed, lifting up my bangs to kiss my forehead. "I didn't realise that it'd make you worry so much."

I hugged him. "I'm pretty fucking grateful to have such a hard-working and thoughtful boyfriend, but Christ, you really need to think about yourself more."

It is already the 16th of March – the day before my birthday, and Antonio's been sleeping less and less, more focused on my benefits, rather than his.

Which he does all the time, but not as much as this, dammit.

I glanced up at him. "Maybe we should do our homework or something..."

"We had homework?" he asked.

"It's not like you to forget that we had homework and for me to remember," I said, glaring at him. "Stop thinking about me for a sec, will you?"

"You're asking for the impossible." A dorky smile spread across his face.

"Really, Antonio," I snorted. "You're so fucking weird."

He looked around on his phone, letting out a sigh. "Fuck."

"And now you're cursing all of a sudden!" I exclaimed. "What the fuck happened to you?!"

"Nothing. I'll be out to buy something for a bit, okay?"

"Oh," I said. "I'll come with you." I tugged on his shirt.

"Ah, I'll be okay," he said. "It's for you and Feli, so you should stay with the others."

"But everyone else is busy," I complained. "Dammit!!"

"Clarisse is free."


...Fucking hell!!


"Hey," I mumbled, opening the door.

Clarisse raised her eyebrows. "Oh, hi. The rest of my family is out at the moment, with my aunt, so—"

"You're free today, right?"

She nodded. "Yeah...why?"

"Let's go out for a bit. I'm so fucking bored."

There was confusion written all over her face, but she nodded. "Okay."


"Oh. He's planning something for you and your brother's birthday?"

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now