Chapter 38

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Song: Koi wo Shiyou 

Artist: Honeyworks & LIPXLIP

Link to song:


Staying by your side is okay, being one is okay,

Could we maybe be connected by the red thread?

Ah, I wonder if this evening I'm falling in love...

If it is with just feels like a dream!


"Tell me more about your childhood. Before all the crazy things."

We both woke up early, so we're trying to get ready for school sooner, instead of sleeping in.

Lovino sighs. "Um, I was the troublesome kid – you already know that, but I'd wet the bed every now and then. Up until I was about six or seven, I think. Oh, and I also had this disease – I think it was called chorea or something. I'd have random spasms in my body. Oh, and it made me puke a lot, so I was always hungry."

"Aww. You're alright now, though?"

"Yep." He grins. "It was a complete pain in the ass for my older relatives back in the Underworld – they'd always talk about how everything associated with me is bad – except for the fact that I'm the eldest grandson of my grandfather – who plays a really big role in the Underworld."

"That's not true, darling. You're flawed, but you're beautiful in so many ways." I tuck a short lock of brown hair behind his ear.

"It kinda is. I brought nothing but bad luck. But I'm trying to change now, dammit. As if I'm ever going back to that hell of a world after The Day."

Lovino had vowed never to visit the Underworld ever again after The Day. It seemed like it was for the best. It sounds like a horrible place, anyway.

But the fact that he's a demon (an incubus, to be exact) still kind of turns me on. My stomach kinda lurched at the thought at first, but he's a half-blood, so he still looks adorable. (I mean, I'd still date him even if he was a turtle~)

"What about Feli?" I ask.

Lovino is fiddling around with his tie. It looks horrible, so I help him fix it up. "Um, he was the happier one, I guess. Not happy during those years, but he didn't want to let anybody down, not even himself, so he'd always smile, despite the circumstances we were in at the time. He'd cry a lot whenever he was being yelled at, though – he's sensitive, too. He always wanted to make friends, but that's not really how things work in the Underworld..."

"Sounds like him," I laughed.

"He was more of the shy kid, but he's really lively now..." Lovino sighs. "I feel like he's happier now that we're in Earth. I am, too, but I'm not sure if things will stay the way they are. For all I care, we could end up starting another war between our worlds."

I shake my head. "That's not gonna happen. I promise I'll protect you."

He grins. "Wait 'till you meet the demons that aren't even 0.01% human. Then we'll see if you'll still be saying the same thing."

"It's alright."

"Huh???" He looks bewildered and confused.

"I don't mind. Even if we both end up dying, I'll still know in the end that I tried."

Lovi picks up his bag. "That's a pretty damn good attitude you have there, sir."

"Thank you, sir."

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now