Chapter 53

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Lovino is horrified.

And our history teacher is just standing there.

He looks a bit taken back, though not a single trace of anger is present on his face.

In fact, he actually looks like he's about to laugh any second now.

"S-Sir!!" I get off the bed, thankful we're both still in our underwear. "I-I can explain...!!"

"It's not what you think it is!!!" Lovino screams in embarrassment.

The King sighs. "It's alright. Just be thankful Ms. Poison or Mr. David weren't the ones who caught you in 'the act'."

My boyfriend looks like he's about to faint.

King giggles. "Heh. I do that with my husband sometimes, too."

And now Lovino's face goes from horrified to disgusted. "We don't need to know, dammit."

"It's alright -- you're both still young!!"
Lovi is annoyed now. "Why're you still here?"
It's as if he isn't classified as a teacher -- he's fun and young. That's why everyone likes him, and why everyone refers to him as 'King'.

"Nice move, Antonio. But you're supposed to undress him first before yourself--"

"GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lovino screeches, throwing a pillow towards the history teacher, who closed the door in peals of laughter. "CHIGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!"

"..." I'm too stunned to speak.

Lovino walks over to lock the door, before plopping back down onto the bed, flicking off the lights.

"Now," he sighs, slipping off his boxers. My face reddens at the sight of his cock springing up like that. "Where were we?"


His breaths are unsteady. He's gripping onto my shoulders. I pull out, and put a hand to the side of his face. "You okay?"

"Yeah." He relaxes his legs, still recovering from his orgasm.

Eventually, Lovino goes limp, and falls back onto the bed. I lay beside him, in a mass of breathing, too.

"Lovino..." I smile at him. "Time..."

He looks a little confused. "Time?"

"Do you have the time?"

My boyfriend nods, and reaches for his phone, on the ground. "It's 6:34 PM."

"Well," I say, sitting up, "look on the bright side -- for once, we haven't fallen asleep right after having sex."

He raises his eyebrows. "Oh, you're right. That is good. I always end up doing my assignments later because of that, dammit..."


Lovino wrinkles his nose, looking down at himself. "I still feel gross, though. I'm gonna go shower."

"Ohhh. Me, too."
He grins. "We might as well be an old married couple."
"Not old," I say, brushing his bangs out of his face. "Happy."


"It fucking pisses me off knowing that I'll stop growing pretty soon," he mutters. "I'm so fucking short, dammit."

I grin. "No, you aren't. You're taller than some people."

"Only because I'm Caucasian. I vowed to myself that I'd overtake you before I graduate, though..." He looks annoyed.

"Lovi, what's with all of this low self-esteem?" I complain. "You're always venting about your height, you appearance...I think you're beatiful the way you are, you know."

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now