Chapter 36

19 1 6

Song: Kimi ni Todoke (Reaching You)

Artist: Tanizawa Tomofumi

Link to song:


These childish feelings
The days we laughed together happily
I hope we come to treasure them
I'll become just a little grown up
Surpassing the me that wants to be just like you
To connect to you
Right now
to reach you


Lovino stares at me. "You okay?"

"I'm tired, dammit."

He snorts. "You sound like me. Get up, we have school."

I smile. "Alright, then. Have it your way."

"We still have to get to the dorms," Lovi sighs. "Remember?"

"Hmm, yeah."

"You think anybody saw us? When we snuck out?"

I shrug. "I don't know. I hope not."
"That's reassuring," he scoffs. "Anyway, get dressed. I'm gonna go take a shower, dammit."

"Take me with youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!"



Time passed, and it was our lunch break.

Lovino glances at me. "Ms. Poison talked to me the other day."
"Oh?" Ms. Poison is our principal. "Why's that?"

He shrugs. "Had to do with my grades raising a little."

"Oh, that's good! I'm happy for you~"

"But..." He sighs, a look of displeasure on his face. "She told me to keep the noise down in the dorms. Apparently there've been a few complaints coming along, dammit."

I paled. "W-What?"

"We weren't that loud last night, were we?" Lovino looks concerned, and his face is turning red again. "I know we did it at my place, but we've done it once in the dorms late in the night, right?"

"I-I don't know."

"I've never seen you this flustered, though." He's laughing now.

I grin. "Hey, you're worried, too!!"

Lovi giggles. "Of course I am, dammit!"

"Hmmm? But that time in the dorms...I warned you, but you didn't care..."

"I was DRUNK."

"Alcohol isn't allowed on school grounds, darling."

"You drink, too!! Keep in mind that it isn't legal for those under 20 to drink!! We're in JAPAN."

"We'd be allowed if we lived at my place, Lovi."

"But..." He glares at me. "We don't."

I smile. "But we'll move there soon. When we're older, I'll take a plane all the way to Italy just to take you home to Spain."

Lovino wraps his arms around me. "Definitely."

"Same-sex marriage isn't legal in Italy, right?" I frowned. "Sorry, I'm not really good with statistics and such..."

"Nope." He shakes his head. "Same-sex relationships are allowed, but we can't legally get married in Italy."


Lovi lets out a sigh. "You still up for the idea of having a kid? Adoption or something?"

"If that's what you want. Personally, I'd love for it to happen."

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin