Chapter 2

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W Academy.

A multicultural private high school – and a boarding school, at that, too.

The school is split into two groups – the elementary section – which ranges from students ages 5 to 15 – and the senior section, which consists of students from 16 to 18 years old.

Needless to say, it's a big school, with a spa and everything.

But I don't really like bragging about it to my family, because it has flaws, too. Just like everything else. That's just how it is, here on planet Earth, right?

A day had passed since my family and I had arrived in Japan, and before I knew it, it was the first day of the school year.

The ceremony for the beginning of the year was about to begin, and I hadn't really spent much time trying to look spiffy. After all, it is just another day of school for me.

This other dude beside me, on the other hand, in contrast to my laid-back, average appearance, was looking quite the part.

His straight, dark brown hair fell on the sides of his head, only just touching his ears. His bangs were over his face, though they didn't do anything whatsoever to distort his appearance.

The guy was a bit shorter than me, but he looked about my age. I wonder if he's a new student in my grade? Probably.

"The fuck are you staring at, bastard?"

A voice with a thick Italian accent snapped at me, and I spun around, my thoughts shattering into pieces.

He was staring at me, a scowl on his face. "Speak up, dumbass. I didn't come here to be oogled over by some gay bastard. Why are you staring at me?"

"Ah, I'm sorry," I said, looking away. "I-It's nothing."

"Tch. Bastard." He crossed his arms, and looked around the room. The expression on his face said it all – he was waiting for the ceremony to be over.

Well, aren't we all?


"Man, that was tough. Not awesome at all."

My friend Gilbert let out a big sigh, stretching his arms. "So, 'Tonio, what's up? Got a girlfriend yet?"

Why is that always the first question people ask?

"Hey! Leave him be. Love cannot be rushed, mon ami," a voice called out behind us. I grinned. Typical Francis, always talking about love and such.

Francis is a romantic dude – and when I say romantic, I mean romantic.

We've known each other since we were kids – way before we even knew that this academy even existed. Why? Because our moms knew each other. Cliché, I know.

He's taller than me, a man of pure French descent, and he's hardly unrecognizable, with that hair of his. We always dare him to cut his blonde, luscious, shoulder-length hair, but he's always quick to deny any requests that have anything to do with him cutting his hair.

Oh, but he's still single, and always has been, despite his handsome looks.

As for Gilbert – he and Francis are practically polar opposites. While Francis is romantic, handsome, and refined (and maybe even a little perverted) , Gilbert is a loud albino German who's always screaming about how awesome he thinks he is.

Together, we are the Bad Touch Trio – the three dudes who always get into some sort of trouble, every year.

And every year, we always do something stupid.

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now