Chapter 13

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"Veee, you made it!!" Feliciano exclaimed, rushing over to hug us both. "How are you two?"

"We feel like shit," Lovino mumbled. I laughed.

"We're great, thanks," I replied. "Hey, Feli – have you grown an inch or something in the last month or so? I feel like you've gotten taller~"

He giggled. "Ehehe...really?"

"Nope," Lovi scoffed. "He's still a midget."

"I'm taller than you, though," Feli pointed out.

"But I'm older than you," Lovino replied, casting him a glare.

Oh, no. I recognize this.

I have more siblings than Lovino, and so ever since I was little, I would often get into more fights with them.

"Ahem. And I am older than all of you."

A short Asian man walked through the doorway, and smiled. "Ah. Welcome. Please come in."

This guy must be Kiku, I thought. He's older than us? But he's so...little!!


As soon as we sat down at Kiku's kotatsu table, Lovino inched away from Feli and his friends, and hugged me.

"What's with you lately?" I laughed. "You're not usually this...clingy."

He rolled his eyes. "Feli is with that potato bastard."


Lovino squinted, as if to say, 'You're a dumbass! It's Ludwig!'

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh." I nodded towards the blonde dude next to his brother. "Him?" He nodded, cringing.

I laughed. "Don't worry, he's not a bad guy. I'm here." I ran my fingers through his soft hair, feeling up every strand.

Every strand.

"Antonio..." He winced. "Hnngh..."

"Hm?" I ruffled his hair, and he arched his back, sweat dripping on the side of his face.

"Mm," Lovino moaned, a blush spreading on his face. "A-aah..."


"T-The...The curl..." he finally managed to say, looking around for something to cover his crotch.

"Oh." I released my hands, and the curl sprang up again. That thing never stays down.

Feliciano gaped at me. "Did you just touch..."

"Nah, it's okay," Lovi quickly said. "He has permission to." He glared at me, and lowered his voice to a whisper. "Just give me a warning if you're going to touch it, dammit!!"

Wait...I have permission?

My boyfriend put his hand on mine and looked away, embarrassed. "You can touch it, but do it when there aren't other bastards around, okay?"

I nodded. "Of course."

"Great." He looked down. "Now I'm horny. I'm gonna go get something to eat. I'll be back."


"You know, your curl is actually pretty fun to touch," I laughed. "It's so cute how it just springs back up like that, no matter how much I try to flatten it."

"Fuck you. That was embarrassing, dammit!!"

"Ahahaha, sorry~"

He glared at me. "Don't you have some sort of an erogenous zone?"

Angelo Caduto - Fallen Angel (SpaMano - Gakuen!AU) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now