Arc 2.2

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Wu Qi was true to his word. In these recent months, he attentively looked after Shi Shen from giving him acupuncture sessions to his food couple with priceless herbal medicines Shi Shen didn’t have any chest discomfort or feel weak anymore.

He used to be a doctor himself so he knows how to take care of his body better than anyone. He only needed Wu Qi to be his cover in his recovery lest others got suspected to why he miraculously improved his health.

Even if that was to be the case, Shi Shen couldn’t pick up his old habit anymore since he cannot do any vigorous exercises. In the end, he could only take a stroll and try to lengthen the time of his walk.

Having seen his face that appeared on the surface of the bronze mirror, Shi Shen now knows why the men here didn’t find any discomfort in getting together with the same gender.

Since he has taken a good care of himself, he finally put on some weight and didn’t look sickly like when he had just gotten here. Gu Rong’s beauty finally could come out to the light and made other awe with his appearance.

In the story, they said that Xu Huang was the number one beauty but it was on the condition that Gu Rong didn’t appear in the story.

Furthermore, he rarely stepped outside so his skin was as pale as snow making him look even more delicate and ethereal.

However, Shi Shen was not happy with this kind of appearance. Lin Yue could be said as a pretty boy but this Gu Rong was androgynous so even if he wanted to look manly, he could only look like a girl crush at most.

‘’Can you not transfer me into this delicate and feminine type?’’

‘’Well, the body that you can possess require some conditions so there are not many options for me to choose but I will keep it in mind next time.’’

He Tian wouldn’t say that he deliberately let him become this fragile type because of his petty revenge.

Nevertheless, it seemed like it made him stand out too much in these kinds of bodies instead. Since he used to be the male protagonist so even if he were to stand still, he could still attract others’ attention.

Really...Isn’t he too bless? His protagonist halo seemed to still activate in these worlds!

‘’Rong’er, how are you feeling these days?’’

A melodious voice quickly snapped Shi Shen to focus on the beautiful man in front of him.

At first, he thought that it would be strange to call a man mother but seeing how Gu Shang’s looks like he didn’t find it weird at all.

Shi Shen instantly gave him a beautiful smile then excitedly replied,’’Mother, these days Rong’er feels much better than before and I can even run around freely now!’’

Seeing his energetic looks, Gu Shang’s eyes began to redden. The last time that he saw his son looking like this was nearly 10 years ago, he didn’t expect that his son could actually revert back to how he used to be.

‘’Mother, what’s wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?’’

Hearing his son’s worried voice, he quickly wiped away his tear with his handkerchief then gently smiled as he lightly patted his head,’’Nothing, mother just happy to see you looking healthy like this.’’

Once the young man heard this he suddenly went quiet then he took the initiative to hug him and softly mumbled while still burying his face in his chest,’’Rong’er is sorry for being sick but mother can’t get sick, okay?’’

Gu Shang’s heart immediately melts into a puddle of water at his act, he happily laughed,’’Aiya! Whose son is this? Why he is so cute?’’

‘’Of course, he was none other than our son. If not how can he be this cute?’’

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