Pina Colada

327 10 4

Olivia is still in college, Shayne is a struggling comic

3rd Person:

It had been an awful long day. Who would've thought her last year at college could be so stressful? Well, yes, she always guessed it would be, considering she attends Berkley, a top school in the nation. She rounds a corner, and her feet carry her a little faster to the bar in which she sings karaoke every Thursday night with Courtney and Mari, releasing their tension and having fun. Now it's just her, but she needs this quiet time to wallow in self-pity without Courtney's perky bright attitude and Mari's encouragement. Unfortunately, by the time she enters the pub, she shivers and notices a large crowd being obnoxiously loud.

"Great," Olivia mutters to herself before approaching the bar.

It's starting to snow and she has no time or strength to go anywhere else, besides there's no wine back at home and she's in the mood for something fancy and sugary, unlike most times. She sees a string of letters hung on the wall, cheap and colorful, that read Happy Birthday, while she takes her coat off, beret and gloves, as well.

"Howdy, doll face" a girl with freckles on her face and hazelnut eyes greets her.

"Are you with the party?" the bartender asks

For a second Olivia wants to be honest and say that no, she's not, but this could mean free drinks. She doesn't think the group of thirty in the back will care about one or two, they won't make a big difference in their tab.

"Sure" Olivia says smiling.

"Great, fun bunch," the bartender chuckles.

"What are you having?" She asks.

Olivia takes a deep breath, eyeing the people around them and their drinks. Her eyes fall involuntarily on the Happy Birthday sign, glittery under the warm lights.

"A piña colada" She decides on.

The woman behind the bar quirks an eyebrow.

"Really?" She asks.

"Yup" Olivia grins and leans over the bar, both elbows on it.

"I like piña coladas" She says

"And getting caught in the rain?" a soft and deep voice asks from her right.

Only then Olivia notices the messy haired man nursing a beer. She's sure he wasn't there when she arrived. He snorts a laugh before his eyebrows knit together while tilting his head to the right as he looks at her.

"Sorry, bad pun" He says.

She just can't help it, and snorts a laugh.

"Well, you do have half a brain" She says.

He chokes on his beer, coughing and chuckling.

"Certainly, hope so" He says.

"Yoga?" She asks just to humor him, and his smile grows bigger.

"Boxing" He points to the bruise on his right cheek, and she makes a curious sound.

"What?" He asks.

Shaylivia -- One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now