Snowed In

180 7 2

A snowstorm hits town

He groans loudly, his head falls to the window soon followed by his fist.

"Stop! I beg of you! Just stop!"

Olivia can hear the man complaining from her desk as she finishes her work. They were thankfully able to finish the video just in time for Friday night to start. But the weather outside was quickly worsening, and as much as she agrees with her friend, her complaints were silent.

She glances up at him for a brief second before she hits save on her document. All she has to do is print it tommorow.

"Are you almost ready Shayne?" She asks.

"Hm?" He turns to her.

"Oh, I just have no idea how we're getting home, the snow trucks haven't gone out yet" She hums her response to him.

"Thanks again for driving me home" She says as her eyes soften when they land on him.

"You didn't have to do it" She added.

Shayne moves around to the front of her desk, looking at her.

"I couldn't let you walk home in this weather, besides, I carpooled with you this morning and you brought me coffee, I believe that's a good reason to drive you home" He said.

"Maybe I'll even get a coffee out of it" He joked.

"Maybe if you're good" She chuckles at him leaning in close.

Squeezing past him, she picks up her bag. When she looks up, Shayne has his jacket on and his bag over his shoulder. In union, they walk to the elevator.

Time skip...

Olivia keeps herself from tapping her foot as Shayne does a snail speed down the street to her apartment. After an hour they were finally the ten minutes away from office, and neither Shayne nor Olivia could be more relieved to see the building. Finally they could get out and stretch.

Olivia doesn't ask out loud if he would like to come in, she didn't have to; he parks the car and follows her up the stairs. She opens the door in a swift movement, a wave of heat greeting her as the two of them stepped in from out of the frigid weather.

"Ah, at least the power didn't go out" Shayne said sighing.

"Don't jinx it Shayne" Olivia said.

Shayne gives a short laugh as the two of them shrug off their jackets and toe off their shoes. He hangs up his jacket before reaching around to grab hers from her hands and adds it to beside his. She wants to comment on it, but she decides to leave it alone as she watches him move before her. Instead, she turns her back on him and walks to the kitchen.

After making a pot of coffee, no doubt most of it going to waste by the end of the night as it was already 8:00pm that night, but she never knew, she might pick up one of her newest books and spend half the night reading it. She might need it then. Stirring the two cups and licking the teaspoon, she takes them to Shayne, who was sitting on the couch with his feet propped up on the table.

She places the cups beside him and steps over his legs to sink into the couch beside him. When he throws his arm over the back of the couch, she leans into him and pulls her feet up under her.

"What does the weather network say?" She mumbles resting her head on his shoulder.

"Snow, snow, and more snow" He answered.

He drops his hand down to rest on her hip.

"It's not going to stop all night and chances of more snow tomorrow" He said.

Shaylivia -- One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now