Jealous? *Smut*

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Olivia begins to feel a little jealous of Shayne being near Courtney

-Warning heavy smut-

3rd Person:

She's reeling. A dark shade of blood red fogs her vision, has been for the last hour since she watched through the glass window of the recording booth as Courtney made puppy eyes at Shayne, her hand on his thigh as she read her lines to him. His nervous laughter could be heard through the thick door as Olivia watched them secretly, watched as he continued reading his lines and made no motion to brush the little witch off. Olivia has been suspicious of their coworker who had been occupying her lover's time since he told her he was helping Courtney with the script weeks ago, their after work practice sessions recently increasing in length and frequency. She should have stormed in there, slammed the door open against the wall, a bat out of hell, and taken the cat-in-heat down like one of the cafeteria jungle hallucinations from Mean Girls. Instead, she had calmly gotten into the back of her car and driven home in silence, and sent Shayne a text that he was no longer welcome over tonight. Her hands, shaking and sweaty, clench and unclench her skirt as her heart beats a haphazard quick cadence in her chest, standing in her bedroom. A small mature, rational part of her brain knows Shayne would never cheat on her, but it's the loud irrational, hormone monster driven part of her head that's got her so worked up she's rehearsing how exactly to yell at him and counter any imagined argument he could put forth until she's red in the face. She dismisses her earlier plans for dinner and takes a shower, but the hot water only fuels her rage and adds to the angry pink hue her skin has taken on since leaving work. Her phone, on vibrate, has been going off since she stepped out of the shower. The string of What's wrong and Did something happen  texts along with the four missed calls do nothing to chill her fire as she towels off, so she's silencing it completely and throwing it somewhere off the bed as she slips on her robe and untangles her wet hair. Her breath comes in short huffs as she finishes blow drying her raven mane, touches up her manicure, and completes her script notes in angry red ink. She's breezing through episodes of Tidying Up on Netflix while still fuming, the normally calming show doing nothing to keep her attention until the app is asking her if she's still watching, and she realizes it's somehow two in the morning. Necessity of setting an alarm forces her to find her discarded phone, an onslaught of missed texts and calls flooding her home screen. It's the last one, time stamped at 1:45 am that gets her stomach in a twist.

I'm coming over to make sure ur ok 

Panic fills her as she realizes she never locked the front door, the entrance to their many rendezvous for her lover. Dropping her phone, she's stealthily running through the apartment to the door to lock it, bare feet moving so fast through the kitchen that she runs into a solid body rounding the corner past the pantry before she can stop the momentum. Strong arms grip her elbows in the dark to steady her before she's angrily pushing him away, the rage inside bubbling over. 

"Get out" Olivia hisses as she forces him back.

Her shaking hands finding strength on his chest as she pushes him to the door. Shayne has the audacity to look confused as he flips the light switch on the wall, eyes her up and down in her silk pajamas and robe, then grasps her wrists and stops his retreat, eyebrows furrowing as she wrenches them away from him in a huff. She swears she can smell her amongst his normal Shayne musk, and her palm starts itching. 

"You're not hurt," He says observantly.

"Are you.... are you mad at me?" He asks looking innocent and bewildered.

She has to bunch her fist up in his shirt across his chest to keep her hand occupied and far away from the urge to irrationally slap the look off his dumb face. 

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