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       Senior year at Phoenix High. Like any normal high school there is drama and typical bullies. My best friend Riley is having it a bit hard this year. She is a great person who doesn't deserve this and I try to help her out. Riley is a very pretty and slim girl. She has beautiful dirty blonde hair and nice hazel eyes. She loves theatre and anything related to music. She plays 4 different instruments and also acts and sings. What is there not to like about her? It's October right before Halloween. My ex, Aaron is throwing a party and Riley's boyfriend invited us. Of course I am skeptical about going I don't really want to see him. I don't know why but a part of me still loves him. We dated for 2 years. Long time huh. Riley knows I don't go out much and it's because I'm busy with work and also talking to the angels.. I don't talk to the demons purely because of how evil they are. Of course Riley doesn't know this she thinks I just work and that's it. I'm always working down here. Making sure everyone is alright and they aren't following a bad path. No one can know about me. I don't trust easily either. As an angel and demon you think I don't suffer from depression or anything like a normal teenage girl. But I do. I miss heaven. I miss my father. I miss the colors. Heaven isn't how they portray it on earth. It isn't all white. It's white silver gold and light blue. It's very outstanding if you ask me. Now hell... hell is actually how you think it is. It's dark and depressing. Hades is a big dick. Persephone is actually the best person I've met down there. Hades treats her so poorly. I hate seeing her sad. I don't see my mother often she is always out working for Hades. But Persephone takes care of me. When she isn't there and Hades needs me.. well it isn't to fun. I'm his play toy. There is one rule my mother and father set in place for Hades when I'm in hell. He can't use me for sex. Anything else... well ya he can do what he wants. There is one thing you should know about me. If I have sex with a demon my child will be the most powerful demon Hades will have to serve at his side. Could be more powerful then him even. If I bare a child with a human the child will be pure and be the most powerful angel and will be God's right hand. So as you can tell, my life is not easy. Everyone in heaven has certain expectations for me. And when I do see my father it's for a short period of time and he is usually making sure I'm not pregnant rather then asking how I am. My mother now I barely see that bitch. You probably thinking now " Sia how can you call your mother a bitch?" Well my mother is Hades best demon. She is always serving him and will do whatever he wants. My mother had an affair with Hades while she was with my father. Since I was 15 she would try to line up demon boys for me to hook up with. If I have a demon child my mother will also be released of her duties. All she cares about is herself. She is the definition of a demon. My friends in heaven  worry a lot about me and they check up on me often. My wings are very different then the normal angels. My wings are a dusty grey with tips of white. And my halo isn't full. It's half made basically. And my eyes when I show my true form are not beautiful like you would imagine. My eyes are a dark red. But down on earth when I am not at my full form they are blue. Not just any old blue more of a clear ocean blue. I am not slim like Riley though. People would assume I have the perfect body but that does not exist. The perfect person does not exist. Even god has his flaws. He purely hides them. My father tells me how God is worried about me and my choices and my father's choices. We are God's angels we are suppose to be perfect. But we all aren't. God knows his kids have flaws and he loves us all unconditionally. His wife Mary is great as well. She always brings me apples and water when I am upset. I miss my mother she was not always so harsh. Mary knows this. Whenever I think about her Mary knows. She tells me to be strong and be the best angel I can be. But part of me will always be a demon. I will always have my moments of anger and hatred and get mad. Well.. that's enough of me.

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