Okay i gave up with titles

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"Care to explain what the fuck happened?" Aaron demands as we all sit down. We explained the whole freakin situation to them and Nana gasps in fear and Damion just sits there shaking his head. Daunte is holding Nana's hand and Aaron is holding me. "I'm okay..." I say shakily. "Bullshit." Daunte scolds. "Shut it!" I hiss. "This is no time to argue dammit!" Damion shouts, we all go quiet. I see Damion's eyes fill with rage and hatred. They are red. "Damion..." Daunte says. "What!?" He shouts and makes a fist. "Put your hands down.." Daunte says to Damion. I grab Damion's other hand and he tensed up, but then relaxed and put his other hand down. "I.. I'm sorry." He says and sits back down and hangs his head. His eyes are back to there normal color; I sigh with relief. "Sia... did he really rape you?" Nana asks me. I nod my head and try to fight back my tears, they burn like a bitch. "Yes..." I say shakily. Nana gasps more and buried her head into Daunte's shoulder. He lightly hugged her and placed his hand on her head. Aaron just comes over to me and hugs me tightly, then Damion did the same. "You came and got Sia?" Aaron says to Daunte. "I tried my best but, I wasn't in time before he you know, started. I'm sorry Sia..." Daunte says and gives me the saddest look I've ever seen him make. "It is not your fault. You did the best you could, you got us both outta there." I say and put my hand on his thigh. "I love you all.." I say softly and Nana finally speaks. "I love you too, more then you know little one." She says. "Little on huh?" I say and chuckle. She smiles and everyone laughs. "I'm really tired...." I say, everyone else seemed tired as well. "You guys stay." Aaron says to Daunte and Nana. They go up to the guest room and Damion goes up to his room after giving me the longest hug ever. Swear that was the longest hug he has ever given me, it made me feel loved. Aaron pulls me into him and squeezes me. I wrap my arms around him as well and squeeze back of course. "Sia why didn't you warn me?" He asks me. I sighed and said, "It happened so fast, Daunte just came over and when I answered the door he simply said two words and grabbed me and bolted out. I'm so sorry.." I rested my head on his chest and just lightly let goes of me and pulls me onto the bed. "I'm so sorry I couldn't help." He says to me as we are lying down. "Please, DONT ever blame yourself. And I need you to always remember, I will always find a way back to you and Damion." I say and hug Aaron. "Kiss me." I say to him. I get up and sit on the bed waiting for Aaron to react. He gets up and leans into me and kisses me softly. "Now go to sleep baby." He says. I lay back down and eventfully fall asleep.

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