Flashback (Sia POV)

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I run into the grocery store and turn to the bathroom. Luckily it was 11 pm and no one was really in there. Sia it's okay.. stop! I tell myself. I go and buy a salad and call up Riley.. "hey girl.. can you come get me I'm at Publix.." I say to her trying to hold back my tears. "Sia i thought Aaron was dropping you off at your place?" She says. "About that.. can you sleep over.. I need someone right now." I say and Start to cry. "Oh my gosh I am coming right now! I'll pack a bag too. Be there in 10!" She says and I hang up the phone. Well since she is coming over I better get some food for us. I buy groceries and some wine bottles. It's gonna be one of those nights.
Riley picks me up and for about 5 minutes it's dead quite... then I start to cry. "Sia... talk to me." She says. "He dumped me...AARON DUMPED ME!" I shout and throw my hands up. She is quite. "What the fuck..." she finally says. We get to my place and I unlock the door and we go inside and instead of putting the groceries away she immediately took out the wine and ice cream and told me to sit down on the coach. "He said it wasn't me it was him. That lame excuse!" I tell her. "Sia ima be honest okay? It seems like something bigger happened. I mean Aaron absolutely adores you..." she tells me. "I thought he did too... but he just broke my heart..." I say and take a big chug of the wine. I didn't even poor it into my glass I just drank it straight out the bottle. "I swear Sia, he isn't telling you something. Aaron would not just say that outa nowhere. You guys rarely even argue!" She says and takes a big mouth full of ice cream after. "Maybe you are right. But it still hurts a lot and I don't know what to do..." I say and she just hugs me. "It's okay I'm here for you babes." She says and pats my head. Dear god what did I do to deserve this?

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