Am i really?

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Xavier and Alex are flying the plain and Nana and me are sitting in the front talking. Everyone else is in the back. Riley and Ben are asleep and Aaron is pale and looks sick. "Nana I'll be right back.." I say and she nods her head. I walk over to Aaron and sit down next to him and hug him. "Aaron what's wrong?" I ask him. "What if you are pregnant.! I'm not that stupid. I know what that ass hole did to you. And it is killing me I couldn't stop it. I failed you again." And he brushed away tears and pulls me into him. "Aaron it isn't your fault. I know... I didn't want you to see so I had to think of something so they'd take you out the room." I tell him. " I um I bought a pregnancy test in CVS when we stopped right before we came to the airport. I bought a whole pack..." Aaron says and pulls it out of his bag. "Oh goodness..." I say back. Nana barges in through the door, "I heard the whole convo sorry sorry I know eavesdropping is bad but Sia if you where pregnant with a demon baby I would sense it. I haven't sensed that." She blurts out. "Well thanks for listening in." I say and roll my eyes. "Go take the damn test please." Aaron finally says. I get up and do so.
I wait about 10 minutes and I check two sticks. "Guys I'm.... pregnant." I say and gasp. "WELL ITS NOT WITH A DEMON BABY!" Nana shouts. Riley and Ben are awake and are as stunned as I am. Aaron is not even looking toward me. "Nana how do you know!?" I cry out. "Because I've sensed a little baby for a while now... and it doesn't seem impure." She says. "When was the last time y'all fucked?" Ben says. "BENJAMIN!" Riley shouts and slaps him on the back of the head. "What!!! I'm serious!" He says. "Um first day we got to the cabin." I say. Aaron's eyes go wide. "Did y'all use protection?" Ben says and crosses his arm. "I was on the pill." I say back. "Clearly it didn't work." Ben says. "Ben shut up!" Riley says. Aaron comes over and looks at me. "Tell me right now you didn't know about this. Or did you know." He says sternly. "No I... I didn't think I was... I thought it was just something I ate. I've been getting sick in the morning a few times a week..." I say. "Sia you've been having symptoms for over a month? And didn't say a word?" Riley says. "I don't..."

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