This cant be real

11 1 0

I am checked in to the motel and nana leaves me there with some food. I'm worried about everybody. I eventually fell asleep around 3 am.
10 am. 10 missed calls from * Babe❤️😍* 13 missed calls from *Damion💙 24 texts from Babe❤️😍 15 texts from Damion💙 is what I wake up too. I reluctantly text Aaron that I'm okay and I'm not telling them where I'm at. I go and make some breakfast for myself. My phone rings and it's Nana. "Hey. Um remember you said you are worried about Damion? Well ya I just found something out. Don't freak out, I took his blood yesterday, WITH HIS PERMISSION, but he is definitely a half breed, Sia like you." She says. I drop my phone. "Sia!? Sia!??" She shouts. "Sorry um are you serious.?" I say finally. "Why in gods name would I lie.?" She scolded. "Who's the real father..." I say. "I can't tell yet... I'm praying it's not Daunte." She says to me. "Get him DNA tested. Tell Aaron I told you to do it." I say. "Alright... I can do it myself." She says.

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