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It's been a full two weeks with baby Damion here in our lives. Now for the tricky part, Aaron's parents want to come over. "Just relax it'll be ok!" He tells me. "Im nervous I've met them once and now we have a kid!" I say as I'm pacing back and forth through our dining room. "Shit they are here!" I shout. "I hear them walking up." I say and Aaron goes to the door as soon as the doorbell rings. "Hi mom... hi dad... come in." Aaron says hesitantly. They come inside and look around. "Hello Sia." Jamie says ( mother ) "It's so nice to meet you again." I say and shake her hand. I go and shake Dylan's hand as well ( father ). "Sit down make yourself at home." Aaron says. They sit down on the coach and I bring over some lemonade. "Now let's talk. What was the deal with leaving.?" His dad says coldly. "Well it was for both of us to uh.. look at schools.!" Aaron says. "Schools?" Jamie says. "Yes schools, we where helping Riley and I wanted to check some out as well." Aaron says and squeezes my hand. "I see... well you've done a lot of work on the place, it's lovely." Jamie says. "Thank you." I say and smile. "I heard there was a baby.?" Dylan says. Jamie practically spits out her lemonade. "Oh yes he is sleeping." I say. "So the rumors are true? Is he adopted?!" Jamie asks stunned. "No mom he isn't.." Aaron says. "You two aren't even married yet and so young!" She shouts. "Mother please, he's sleeping upstairs." Aaron says calmly. Now I'm starting to freak out. "What's his name.?" Dylan asks. "Damion James." I say. "And we are getting married soon." Aaron adds and holds my hand. "I don't approve of this. I'm sorry I don't trust Sia." Jamie says coldly and gets in my face. "Mother." Aaron says. "Let her talk." I say to Aaron. "You are a whore and I don't want ugh with my son, that baby could be someone else's and you dare live here!?" She shouts at me. I try to remain calm but the voices in my head are telling me to go all out. "Jamie, Damion is Aaron's son. I don't sleep around. So please if you would keep your voice down so Damion doesn't wake up we can finish our drinks in peace and talk. Civilly." I say firmly. "Actually you two need to leave." Aaron says. "You can't kick us out we can stay as long as we want!" Jamie protests. "Actually the house is legally now in my name since I'm over 18, remember.? It's my house so you need to go. You will not talk to the mother of my child or my fiancé like that!" Aaron says in a demanding tone. "Let's go Jamie, we aren't welcomed." Dylan says. Aaron walks them out and he locks every door so they can't get in. I go and take out some wine and start drinking. "Ima order Chinese.." Aaron says and calls up the China place down the road.

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