This is bad ( Aaron POV )

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I walk over to Ben's cabin and I see some smoke coming from the back. What the fuck... I walk in and see a small fire and Ben putting it out. "Ok Charlie you gotta go now." I see Charlie staring straight at Nana and Riley behind her. Did Charlie try to get to Riley? I think to myself. "Tell me what happened. Don't make me ask again." I say firmly.
"This witch, tried attacking Riley! She isn't on our side Aaron! She needs to go before I finish her off! PERMANENTLY!" Nana shouts and her eyes turn white, glowing even. "What do you mean she tried to attack Riley?" Charlie then busts out laughing. "Riley is the key don't you see? Give her to Asher. And Asher will back off. It's Daunte who wants Sia! So give me Riley and this'll all be done. Daunte will leave you guys alone for a while and Asher will be satisfied with Riley. It's a win win. And we alll know Riley is a virgin maybe Asher will do her a big favor she is 18 after all." Charlie says. "THATS ENOUGH!" I shout. Ben grabs Riley and brings her upstairs and locks the bedroom door. "Charlie you need to go now." I say. She just stands there and doesn't move. "TODAY DEMON!" Nana yells. "I'm not leaving without Riley." Charlie says. "The hell you are! Leave now Charlie!" Someone says and the front door slams open. It's Sia. Dammit I wanted her to stay in bed. "Well well she's awake. I was sure she drank enough to keep her out for at least another hour." Charlie says grinning. "Did you plan to do this to her?!" I say making a fist. I was so angry I was about to fight a demon girl. "You disgust me. Leave this place now!" Nana shouts. And she starts to glow. Well if I know one thing it's that glowing usually indicates someone is bout to burst into A flames or B light. And she's an angel so I assume light and that's gonna be a mess to clean. There light from what I've heard is energy from there body. It's like water. And demons produce fire. Get the idea? Ya it's weird I know.

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