Oh boy why!?

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"Tell me half princess. How is spending your days acting like a human been?" She says. ( all the demons used to call me half princess to make fun of me now I find it amusing.) I take a huge chug of vodka straight down and Charlie's eyes go wide "easy there buddy." She says to me. "Girl I'm fine. And to answer your question it's been fun yet also weird. I had to get used
to there accustoms. Like in heaven you don't really date. Down here that's like the major thing. And oh my god drugs are huge here! Like what the hell is 'Molly?" I tell her and we both laugh. "Sounds like humans are crazy and stupid huh?" Charlie says to me. I just nod my head. It's around 2 PM now and god my head is spinning. Why!? "I drank wayyyyy to much haha." I say. "Did you just say Haha?" And she bust out laughing. "Well its time for me to get going half princess I got some work to attend to! Byaaaa." She says and leaves. Why in the name of god did I drink vodka? Oh fuck me, it's all gone too. Dammit Charlie! She purposely didn't stop me! "I'm homeeeee!" Someone shouts.

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