Flashback (Ben POV)

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So its been a month since Aaron and Sia broke up... I really don't know what to do. I don't see Riley as much because she is so worried about Sia so she spends the night over there a lot. So I stay with Aaron. That man is the strongest guy I know and he is broken right now. It honestly sucks seeing my best friend like that. I don't blame Sia at all though. I know she didn't do anything wrong. Aaron just made a poor choice. It's Friday and Riley actually called me and asked if we can go out for dinner together. Of course I said yes. I miss her a lot. Aaron told me he is fine alone for the weekend and he promised me he will eat. I pick up Riley at 6:30 and we head over to Olive Garden. Of course she picked that place, she loves breadsticks. "I CANT WAIT TO HAVE BREADSTICKS AHHH!" She says. See told ya she loves them. I laugh at her comment. "This is why I love you." I say and she smiles at me and holds my hand. We go inside and sit down and they take our order. "Ben... how is Aaron? Is he okay.." she asks me. I sigh and respond truthfully. "Honestly no babe. I've never seen him like this. He doesn't eat unless I force him to. He won't get out of bed I got to drag him. He doesn't even wanna go work out with the guys anymore. He's devastated." I tell her. She just looks down and twirls her straw in her strawberry lemonade. "Sia isn't doing to good either. She's been drinking a lot lately.. I caught her drunk in 1st period yesterday. I'm worried about them both Ben.. this isn't like them. We've known Aaron since what like junior high? And what Sia for two years? This isn't like them. I know Sia drinks but she doesn't like this." Riley tells me with a sadden tone. "Baby I know. We just got to look out for them." We finish our dinner date and I drive Riley back to her place. "Ben.. stay with me tonight.. please?" She asks me softly. How the hell can I refuse that? I think to myself. "Of course baby."

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