Did someone say mom?

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It's been two weeks since our good news. Nothing has happened since the encounter with Daunte and Asher. It's quite peaceful if I may say. "Listen because it's a boy can we paint one of the rooms like a sky blue and put a bunch of sport stuff on the walls, and oh we gotta have a Mets symbol because our son is gonna love the Mets, just like we do; because I swear if he likes the Yankees or Nationals I'll throw up!" Aaron rushes into the room saying while holding up two color pads. "Which blue!?" He asks. I laugh and hold my tummy. "I'm serious baby!" He yells. "Relax we still got like 5 months. And plus we won't stay here for that long." I say back. "So when can we go back home.?" Ben asks outta nowhere. "Hopefully soon." I say back and look away. Just as I think it's good Riley comes rushing in screaming. "Guys! There is a creepy girl outside and she looks like fucking Sia!" I look at Aaron and he looks at me. "You are not leaving, Ben grab her!" Aaron says. Ben nods his head and grabs my arm. And so does Riley. "Listen to me Sia you shouldn't go out there Nana and Aaron got it!" Ben says. "Let me go that's my mother outside she will kill him!" I shout. No matter what I do they won't let go. God dammit these people.

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