Will you?

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"Wait isn't this a good thing!" Nana says. "How is it good? We need a lot of money and stuff to take care of a baby." I say. "Don't worry about money I got that." Aaron says. "Sia! If you are pregnant and have a kid, your mom loses! Hades loses! God wins! Isn't that what you've wanted sense you where like 14?!" Nana shouts and jumps up and down. "Nana it isn't good if I'm about to perform a spell that could cost me my life!" I yell out loud accidentally.
"What the fuck did you just say?" Aaron says. "Oh boy..." Ben says. Riley drags Ben out the room into another area of the plain so he'd shut up. "We are here!" Alex shouts from the cockpit. "Discuss this later." And I run off and grab my bag. We rent a car and i drive us to a beach house. "You guys on the left us on the right." I say. They all go and settle in and Aaron drags me up to the room and tells me to sit. "Yell at me ok. Scream at me!" I shout. He doesn't do anything, but loosen his fists. "I could be a dad..?" He says. I don't really know what to say. "I guess now is a better time then eve right..." he says. He lifts me up and hugs me gently. "What are you doing?" I ask him. He looks me into my eyes and it sends a shiver down my spine. He gets down on one knee and asks me, "Sia Rose Harper, will you marry me?"
Believe me guys I'm as shocked as you. I say yes and he puts the ring on my finger and he kisses me. An hour passed and everyone is over our place. "Nana get me candles and a bowl." I tell her. She does so. She knows I'm serious about this. Everyone else is asleep. Why you may ask? Nana knocked them out. So no one would stop me. I draw a symbol on the wall and floor and at the door I sprinkle holy water over it and I cut into my hand and drop blood in the bowl and around the Symbol. "It's done..." I say. Everyone is awake and wow is the room spinning. "Sia... SIA!" I hear someone shout. And then everything goes dark. I don't remember what happened. What did I do?

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