Lets get outta here

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I rush outside with Aaron in my arms and I see a car parked out back. Who leaves the door unlocked!? Must of been Asher! Stupid. I throw Aaron in the car and I get in the driver seat. "No keys huh, thank god for Ben teaching me how to hot wire." I quickly hot wire the car and I hear the engine start. "Yes!" I shout. I check my mirrors and I see Daunte and Asher running toward us. I quickly step on the gas and drive! Drive as fast as you can Sia! "Shit shit shit what am I gonna do now!" I say.
  Aaron wakes up and is quiet as hell. "Aaron listen please, I didn't mean any of that! I knew I had to play it like that so they'd take you somewhere else. Please believe me..." I say and tilt my head down. He grabs my hands and said he knows. "What did he do to you..." he says. "Aaron you don't wanna know." I say back, gritting my teeth. "I need to see a doctor to make sure you know.. I'm not pregnant..." I say. "Don't we just wait till your period?" He asks. I laugh. "Angels or demons don't have those." I say to him. He sighs, "so every month you just randomly want me to bring you chocolate?" He says. We both laugh.
  It isn't safe at the cabins. We got to move. I pull in to our drive way and see the houses are destroyed. "Oh fuck.." Aaron says. I park the car and we rush out yelling everyone's name. "Sia..?" I hear someone shout. "I'm here it's me!" I shout back. I see Ben holding Riley and Nana behind them. " you guys where in the basement?" Aaron says. "It's kind of the only place not dead." Ben says. Riley rushes to me and hugs me! "Oh my goodness sia! You are okay!" And she starts to cry. Ben actually shows affection and hugs Aaron. Shocking. Nana is always on guard now I suppose and is checking around us. "No one followed you." She says. "Guys we gotta move it's not safe." I say. Ben laughs," clearly it's not safe!" He says. "Enough attitude or ima shut you up..." I say accidentally and my eyes go red. "WOW WOW CALM DOWN THEREk SIS!" Nana says. "Sorry let's go."

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