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We pack up our stuff and already found a place in CT we decided not to go to New York because Riley really wanted to go to Yale and not NYU. We found a 4 bedroom 4 bathroom place and Riley and Ben found a small apartment by us. "Babe the car is all packed ready to go!" I shout from downstairs. "Let's go! Damion get off your phone and put your bag away!" Aaron shouts. "On it." Damion says. We finally leave and are on our way to CT. "Damion you packed your stuff Right?" I ask as I step into the car. "Yes mom it's done let's just go." He says with attitude and rolls his eyes. "Watch the attitude mister." I say firmly. "Let's all take a breather and let's get a move on." Aaron says. Damion is being fresh recently and it's only toward me and I don't get why. Aaron says it's a typical teenager, but he isn't a normal teenager he's an angel.! He needs to learn manners and respect. Cause I'll kick his ass. He knows I will too.
  We drove and drove and we are in CT now. Thank god. We get to the house and move all the boxes in. We build our bed frames and get the mattress's and assemble our room and Damion's. We can do the others later. "May I order a pizza?" Damion asks. "Order some Chinese for mom." Aaron says while I put away the wine. "Got it." Damion says. An hour passed and the food comes. We eat and discuss some things.
"Damion you start school tomorrow." Aaron says. Damion practically shouts. "No yelling!" I say. He calms himself down and finally speaks. "I start tomorrow... why do I need to even go.?" He says. "Because you need an education." I say.  "What if I get made fun of? What if no one likes me..." Damion says. Aaron looks at me and I look up at him. "Babe, they will love you. You are a smart young man and very talented." I say and hold Damion's hand. Aaron cleans the dishes and I head up to Damion's room to talk to him.
   I sit down on his bed and he turns to face me. "I know it's rough, but we will get through it together. And nothing will happen to you. I won't let it. At school, if something does happen, you contact me immediately. And I should probably tell you, your father is teaching English at your school. So your dad may be your teacher." I say and expecting him to yell. "I get to see dad at school?! YA!" He says happily. I laugh. "Get some sleep. I love you." I say. "Love you too mom."  

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