You love them

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Author's note

       Hey guys! SO sorry! I had a minor incident and stuff got out of hand and i was away for a while... I will try my best though now to keep updating. Love you all soooo much! MWAAA. Now on with this chapter!

I wake up abruptly and Damion is next to me in bed. "Hi." He says to me. i smile. "You okay?" I ask and grab his hand. He nods his head. "Mom, i know you love Daunte.. and i know you love Aaron. " He says. I am quiet as fuck right now. What am i suppose to say.. "I love Aaron so much. I always have. But we all know the demon side in me... wants Daunte. Aaron is so pure. He deserves so much better then me. If I never came down here he would of never met me and all this shit would of not happened." I finally say. Damion sighs and stares at me. "I know you think that, mom they both love you and no, you are happy you came here. Dad loves you so much. Every time he looks at you he glows. I know you love him more." He says and holds my hand. "You are right I do love him so freakin much." I say. "Before this gets sad, let us go downstairs to the demon, angel and human waiting for us. What a combo." Damion says. We both laugh and finally head downstairs. 

"Breakfast is done!" Aaron shouts. Damion and I sit down and Nana pours us some OJ. We all eat together and I see Daunte stare at me and nod his head toward the front door. i go over to the door and we head outside. "I think we need to talk.." He says to me. "You are right we should." We go in the car and he just starts driving. Finally we stop in a Publix parking lot and we start to talk. "I love you.... but i love Aaron more." I say to him. "Believe me, I realized. You think im blind to this so called love?" He says to me. " Daunte, stay. Dont go back there. Your son needs you. You know just as much as I do how strong he is. He needs you here, to help guide him." I tell him and grab his hand. He squeezes my hand back. "Ill stay for as long as I can babes." He says and smiles at me. "Lets get back before your soon to be husband calls out a damn search party for you." He says and smiles at me and then we both laugh. 

Secret identityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon