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I am helping Nana and Parker and two other angels who I totally forgot about. "Parker, lift me up!" I shout to him, he pulls me up and tosses me in the air. I land on the Titans back and start swinging. He roars out. "That's new." I say. "Sia watch out!" I hear Nana shout. I turn my head and see the other Titan charging toward me. I quickly jump off and the Titan runs into the other Titan, knocking them both to the ground. "GO!" I shout to everyone and they charge toward the Titans and start attacking them. I look over and see Tobias standing up; Aaron and Damion are circling him. Tobias looks like he is in pain. I smile of course. Aaron looks at me and I nod my head. Then Aaron looks back at Tobias and shoots him in the leg. "You little fuck face!" Tobias shouts. "Ya ya I know." Aaron says. Damion laughs a little and this got Tobias irritated, I can tell. I see one of the Titans get up and grab Jesse by the throat. "Jesse!" I scream. Jesse is struggling and it seems like the Titan is, draining him... I gasped and Quickly thought of something I can do. I start talking in Latin and I turn into my true form and now I'm glowing and I am in the air. "Sia stop!" I hear Daunte shout. I ignore his pleas and continue chanting. I scream out and lunge toward the Titan who is holding Jesse. The Titan barely has a face but I bet you it has a look of shock. I go straight into his chest and go completely through the Titan. It drops Jesse and Parker grabs him. The Titan falls on his knees and I come back down and punch him in the face and the impact was so hard a loud thud echoed through the area. The Titan falls to the floor and yells out in agony and pain. I come down from the sky and stand over the Titan. The Titan is shaking, it's scared. "What did you do!" Tobias shouts. "I took out... a Titan.." I say coldly. The Titan withers away and now one is left. And it is also shaking. "Sia Stop, you are gonna drain yourself." Jesse says and then spits up blood. "I am fine!" I say a bit harsher then I meant to. The other Titan charges toward all of us. It quickly turns and head straight for Damion. "Damion!" I shout. Damion barely has any time to react. Aaron jumps in front of him and the Titan grabs Aaron. "NO!" I scream. Damion starts fighting the Titan. Parker and Nana rush over and grab Damion. "Let me go! He has my dad!" Damion shouts. "No.." Nana says to Damion. "Nana please! That monster will kill him!" Damion pleas. "Sia.." Parker says and looks at me. "Take him out of here... I got this." I say lightly and they take Damion away from the fight. "Let him go." I say to the Titan. The Titan squeezes his hand around Aaron's throat. I see Aaron punching and kicking trying to escape his grasp.  Daunte comes outta nowhere and slams his hands making a huge wave  and everything around us starts to crumble. Daunte yells out, a battle cry? No, he's in pain. "Daunte Stop!" I shout to him and rush over. "You stay alive, no matter what." Daunte says and smiles lightly to me. I look down and see he is bleeding badly on his left side. "Someone take him to the house!" I shout. Jesse and another demon take Daunte to the house. Tobias is nowhere to be seen. I see Aaron is grabbing his gun. He shoots the Titan in the leg three freakin times. I run to Aaron and get in front of him. He has breathing heavily. "I'm so sorry..." I say to him. "Don't be, I'm... good." He says and takes a long pause. "Let's finish this." He says finally. "Get behind me." I say to him. I  start to attack the Titan; Aaron is watching and one demon guy is next to him, I believe his name is Jacob. "You stay here!" Jacob says to Aaron and rushes to my side. "I got his left." Jacob says to me. I nod and go for the Titans right side. We both start fighting the Titan. Someone comes outta nowhere and grabs me by my hair and throws me across the floor. "Tobias.." I say and spit out blood. He looks furious. He starts to attack me, he is quicker and way stronger then before. I'm on the floor. I can't move... I hear someone yell out. It's Damion. He looks just as furious as Tobias. "You fucking bastard! Let go of my mother!" Damion shouts and punches Tobias. Tobias takes a step back and grins. "Thank you. I now know your weakness." He says. "I'm not letting you take my mom!" Damion shouts.

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